Back In The Saddle

Oct 15, 2007 11:22

Okay so now that we're officially a month behind in rent and desperately needing more income to meet our expenses I'm dragging myself back into the world of full time employment, much as I hate to do it. Right now my prospects are slim given that it appears that employers are leaning more and more on credit reports to decide who to hire rather than skills and experience anymore.  Something tells me that this is just another way to discriminate but hey who am I to tell the El Paso County Sheriff's department that they're being discriminatory.  I fail to see how having bad credit translates into having either poor or the wrong skills for the position of dispatcher.  I understand if I hadn't been up front about it on my application but the fact that I willingly pointed out that I had deliquent accounts should give me some sort of creedence.  I mean, that's why I NEED the job afterall. To settle past hospital and medical debts that seem to find themselves "below the line" just under electric bill, phone bill and gas bill since eating and housing seem to be a priority these days. I mean go figure. Why wouldn't I want to feed my family over paying a 24K hospital bill?

Anyway I'm going to pound the proverbial pavement and see if I can blitzkrieg my way into getting a job. I may push the issue with EPCSO and try to talk to the HR directior personally and lay it out about how I'm trying to obtain employment to not only supplement my husband's piss-poor paycheck but also be able to start paying down on those nemesis bills!  *SIGH* so this has turned into a rant, which I didn't want it to.  Regardless, I'm still pushing my sewing on eBay and hopefully I'll be able to land something that won't kill my time with my kids too much. I love being home with them, but right now, it's just not financially feasible.  We got killed twice recently with emergencies which is why we're behind on the rent now. One was Matty needing emergency dental work and the other was re-connecting our electric bill. We missed paying it somehow, Klaus thought I had paid it and I thought Klaus had paid it. Regardless of who missed what, our past due $68 dollar bill turned into a $230 bill to reconnect our power.  WTF...OH SURE I HAVE AN EXTRA $200 JUST LYING AROUND FOR YOU ELECTRIC COMPANY FUCKERS TO HAVE. Bleh.  So pair that up with the almost $600 we spent on Matty's teeth and that's our rent payment.

Needless to say the landlord is constantly calling wanting to know when we're going to cough up the past due payment.  I'm trying to avoid answering her call.  Shady of me I know, but I just can't handle the stress of talking with her.  My back, neck and shoulders are in so many knots that I think I could rival a sailor's macrame belt easily.  Ha, I've even contemplated trying one of those internet deals where you ask for money from strangers to pay your bills.  Apparently thousands of people are successful at it, though I doubt the sincerity of most of them needing the money for bills and starving children and the like.  Please send me $5, $10, $20 to pay my bills oh woe is me I am 20 and jobless but that's cuz I'm lazy and unmotivated except for staying home on my computer to play WOW...Heeh....anyway I don't think I have the moxie to beg for strangers to pay my bills for me.  So off to the work force I go...I HOPE.  I've sent my resume out to a few places this morning and sent a couple of letters of introduction as well.  So here's to job-hunting! 

work rant

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