Title: Biggest Fan
Genre: RPS, Colin/Surprise
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1,220
Synopsis: Colin has a run in with his biggest fan.
Notes: Was listening to Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi and this came to mind. Not a song fic, but a fic inspired by a song.
Disclaimer: I do not own them, what with them being real and all. This did not happen. I am making no profit from this.
He stepped out the door of the small Playhouse to find a mish mashed crowd of playgoers, everyone from thirteen to nearly seventy from the looks of it, playbills in hand for autographs. He usually snuck out the side and let the others have their fun, but a voice far too close for comfort murmured, “Mr. Morgan, can I have your autograph?”
His eyes grew wide and he darted a look to Sarah at his side, who seemed just as surprised as he did. He purposely did not use his real name for this, wanting to appreciate the art and not the spotlight for a change. As far as playgoers knew he was an unknown actor doing charity theater that just happened to look like a certain television star and just happened to share that star’s mother’s maiden name, had anyone tried to look that deep. The longer hair, sideburns, and stage make up usually did the rest.
Another glance showed him no one else seemed to have overheard the announcement, so he narrowed his eyes in the direction of the perpetrator who still stood before him, pen and paper in his hand. “What can I say?” the man shrugged. “I’m your biggest fan.”
Colin took the pen and scribbled an indecipherable autograph, face heating as he did so. He shoved his hands in his pockets and was halfway down the alley when he saw a flash and heard a heartfelt, “Thank you!”
He met the others at what passed for a club because Sarah would have his hide if he did not. It was the last night of the play and they were breaking set tomorrow, but tonight was for celebrating their success - aka getting drunk and having fun. He could not help the feeling he was being watched, but the tiny place was too crowded to make out anyone in particular. He figured his “fan” had just thrown him off and made him nervous. About two pints in, he relaxed. Around three, the crowd was thinning and the performers were living up to their names and taking over the makeshift stage.
Mitch dragged him up along side the others, his pale and unadorned skin a sharp contrast to the little sea of eyeliner and lipstick of most of the girls and a few of the guys. His black t-shirt and jeans blended in with the dark leather and lace, as did the combat boots, even if they made it that much harder to keep up with whatever dance Missy was instigating now.
She told him he looked too bland and pushed a rainbow jangle of bracelets onto his wrist, and Sarah threatened to come after him with the eyeliner, but he staved off the lipstick by buying another round. Out of the corner of his eye though, he caught sight of something that did not belong mixed in with all the revelry.
“Is that the same guy?” Sarah asked, sipping from her glass something nearly the same color as her eye shadow.
Colin made a show of looking over his shoulder and rolling his eyes, but he already knew it was the fan from the alley, camera phone in hand. “Looks like it,” he agreed.
“Want me to tell him to go fuck himself?” Mitch offered. He looked ready to stand up and do just that, which was sure to end far from well.
“Send him my way; he’s a cutie,” Missy smiled, all teeth.
Mitch laughed. “There’s no way he’d survive you, sweetie,” he grinned, and Colin was forced to agree.
The night wore on and the man in question seemed to either fade to the background or leave all together. Colin didn’t much care at that point as he had far more than a light buzz going on and was fairly certain Missy had done something unmentionable to his face with she kissed his cheek and had to reapply her near neon lip gloss.
Mitch made sure he made it safely to a cab, and Colin was convinced his burly friend was also there to make sure he made it to his hotel alone. He waved at the desk clerk on his way in, wrist jangling from the bracelets he still wore. She smiled and laughed and told him to have a good night and that she’d send up extra coffee in the morning.
He shuffled towards his room but stopped when he heard near silent footfalls on the rug behind him. He turned to find his so-called fan, hands jammed in the pockets of his hoodie and stocking hat pulled down far enough to nearly shadow his face. “Looks like you had a good time,” he said, one hand freeing itself to scratch at the scruff on his jaw.
“I did,” Colin confirmed. His head spun more than a little, so he slouched up against the wall, not quite sure which room he was supposed to go into anyway at this point.
“Too much?” came the voice suddenly much closer than it was only a moment before.
Colin looked up at intense blue eyes and smiled, “Never for my number one fan.”
Bradley threw his head back and laughed. “Liked that, did you?” he grinned.
“Missy and Sarah will have my head when they find out,” Colin warned. “Which means you are so coming with me to break set in the morning.”
“Fair enough,” Bradley nodded in full agreement. “It was totally worth it though; got your autograph and everything!”
“Yeah, on a picture of you!” Colin laughed. “Only you would carry a self portrait around, you know.”
“Hey, it distracted you enough for me to slip you my key card,” Bradley pointed out, which was true.
Colin pulled the thin piece of plastic from his pocket and held it up to the light. “Kind of defeats the purpose if you’re here to open the door anyway though,” he commented.
Bradley shrugged. “Couldn’t wait.” He moved closer, broad hands settling about Colin’s slim hips. “Still can’t,” he smiled coyly.
Colin leaned forward and Bradley cupped his jaw, thumb sweeping up against his lower lashes. “You smeared your eyeliner,” Bradley said with mock seriousness.
“Can’t have that,” Colin replied with equal gravity. He was cut off from anything more by the press of Bradley’s lips against his own, sweet, warm, and familiar.
“Told you I can’t wait,” Bradley breathed.
“Yeah, well, you better before we cause a scandal out here,” Colin told him, pressing the key card to his hand and noting Bradley’s palm was now the same neon pink as Missy’s lipstick.
He pushed off the wall and accepted Bradley’s steadying hand as he lead him to the room that was, coincidentally, right next door to his own. “You sure you didn’t have too much?” Bradley asked as he opened the door.
Colin wrapped his arms around Bradley’s neck and pulled him in for another kiss. “Never enough,” he insisted, closing the door with his foot behind him. Missy and Sarah might kill him come morning, but he had to agree with Bradley: it was going to be so worth it.
Bradley pulled his shirt up over his head, smearing lipstick and eyeliner and tangling the sleeve in the jumble of bracelets before shaking it free with a laugh. He leaned back in for another kiss, for which Colin gladly obliged him.
Pulling back a little, but keeping himself pressed up against him as much as possible, Colin smiled and asked, “Hey, Mr. James? Can I have your autograph? I’m your biggest fan.”