Fic: Merlin, auction fic, LJ

Oct 15, 2011 12:35

Hi, I'm so sorry for being absent a lot and not responding much to friend posts!  I probably have the same old excuse (work, more RL, fic writing), but I am reading all your posts even if I don't reply.  So I just wanted those on my Flist to know that.  Feel free to unfriend me anytime if that bothers you.  Thanks and hugs!

Onto fic updates. I just posted y first Arthur/ Merlin piece (friendship).  It's a tag/filler to ep. 4.02 and it's here: Merlin, idiot brave Merlin

Also last weekend, never said about it here, I posted the last part to Queen of Hearts.  You can find it at my fic journal.  Just ask if you need the link.

I'll be working on auction fics this weekend.  Hope you're all having a great one!  It's a lovely day here, going to head outside later and enjoy it!

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