Pick my best!!

Apr 27, 2006 09:27

Today I want to recommend you a new lj community pickmybest

What is Pick my best??

An icontest community that works a bit differently from other icontests. Instead of competing against other iconmakers, you're competing against yourself to find your top three icons according to the voters. All icon subjects (aside from Adult) are allowed--Books, Movies, Celebrities, Anime, Manga, Music, etc. It's all about quality.

The only time you'll be up against other makers is in the header competition. Once a month the moderators of Pick My Best will nominate ten batches of icons, and the winner will have their icons featured in the community's header. The competition is voluntary, so if you don't want your icons entered simply opt out.

I think the idea is so original, and you?

Icon makers of my f-list, visit it and enjoy!!


One thing more..I have a new birthday's present (you should see the last present in my last entry..I know is in spanish..but they are so cute!!)

It was made by curious_star Thanks honey, I love it!!


lj, personal, presents, birthday

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