Jun 29, 2005 10:02
Sometimes the world sucks, as when the President cites the terrorist
attacks of 2001 five times in twenty-eight minutes as support for
keeping troops overseas indefinitely, and cited a feasible solution to
the problem of occupying a hostile region with justification that has
already been proven absolutely wrong a total of zero times in
twenty-eight minutes. Clearly, it's all a plan to, "shake our will in
Iraq, just as they tried to shake our will on September the 11th,
2001." How has everyone not seen through this transparent, overused
ploy? But whatever, I'm sure that since he's the guardian of American
values, it's his perogative to exploit unlinked human loss for the
benefit of his agenda.
But sometimes the world is great, as when Canada is working on a bill
to universally equalize marriage, already legal in most of the
provinces. Okay, so it's not exactly a unanimous decision, but Canada
is once again ahead of the U.S. in this.
"[Canadian Prime Minister] Martin, a Roman
Catholic, has said that despite anyone's personal beliefs, all
Canadians should be granted the same rights to marriage. Churches have expressed concern that their clergy would be compelled by law to perform same-sex ceremonies, with couples taking them to court or human rights tribunals if refused. The legislation, however, states that the bill only covers civil unions, not religious ones, and no clergy would be forced to perform same-sex ceremonies unless they choose to do so."
That should really be the end of discussion. There
shouldn't be any argument. That, right there, is what reasonable people
should find acceptable, at the very least.
Most astonishing, these are simply two articles that came up inside that stupid AIM news window that I can't seem to disable.