Wikipedia is interesting

Jul 29, 2009 01:14

Here are a few of my favorite wikipedia articles lately:

To be an intellectual and functional citizen with this disorder is a wonder to me. I was reading a thread in reddit all about an extremely intelligent man with Alexithymia, Aspergers, and a type of social anxiety, yet he gets by without goals, aspirations, emotions, love, pleasure, and mental imagery. His life is based on logic and the only thing he really seemed to love was information and stories with logical endings and suitable trains of thought. He said he didn't care about others' feelings, or have any desire to impress anyone. Compliments to him were useless because he assumes people already know the good and bad traits they have. He had no problems with adultery nor would he care if his girlfriend cheated on him or if he cheated on her. Gosh...

I just find this to be an interesting cognitive bias. I have a feeling that people who are conspiracy theorists are especially prone to this.

Theoretically living forever as a simple organism is so neat. In my family's collection of my great grandfather's scientific photographs we have a picture of a hydra swallowing a glass bead and I always think of this when I think of hydras.

This is a type of hydra who can theoretically live forever but unless it is killed by, I guess, pollution; water temperatures rising; being exposed to possibly changes in P.h. of the water or sunlight levels; or being mangled by another animal. This hydra is special because it isn't subject to regular senescence, where it is perfectly healthy until it reaches its peak of sexual maturity then dies, but when it has fully aged, it reverts back to being a polyp and retracts its extremities into its body.


Yesterday my aunt who has lymphomia and my very distant uncle visited. It was a wonderful visit.

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