Apr 01, 2007 19:22
I would like to share two of my favorite poems.
1. A haiku frin Kibayashi Issa (1763-1827)
Don't worry, spiders,
I keep house
---> I have no idea why the last line is missing though...
2. A chinese poem from the nineth century!
Hedgehog by Chu Chen Po
He ambles along like a walking pin cushion,
Stops and curls up like a chestnut burr.
He's not worried because he's so little.
Nobody is going to slap him around.
wait... I want to post more from my poetry in motion book...
Sir, You Are Tough
Sir, you are tough, and I am tough.
But who will write whose epitaph?
A Man Said To The Universe
A man said to the universe:
"Sir, I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation"
5. First grade
In the play Amy didn't want to be
anybody; so she managed the curtain.
Sharon wanted to be Amy. But Sam
wouldn't let anybody be anybody else---
he said it was wrong. "All right," Steve said,
"I'll be me but I don't like it."
So Amy was Amy, and we didn't have they play.
And Sharon cried.