Jan 23, 2008 15:37
How far along are you?
30 weeks! I am probably the least far along here.. :)
What symptoms are you experiencing?
Oy, the mood swings..
How are you feeling?
Great pregnancy wise. All of the map in other terms. We still have yet to find a house after 8 months of searching. My college is really being in a pain in the butt.. and my toddler just *loves* to push my "crazy pregnant lady!" button. Which is probably due to this new found winter tundra we are going through. dear calgon, please to be taking me away
Any Dr. Appointments / ultrasounds / tests this past week and how did they go?
I really do need to get a hold of my midwife..
Any Dr. Appointments / ultrasounds / tests this coming week?
We'll see! I've been doing my own prenatal care because both of us have been so busy. I've been trying to schedule an appointment for soon, but have been unable to reach her so far. She's extremely busy.
Anything big happening in your personal life (moving, work related, family, etc)?
Still looking for a house. Since I moved with my first son when I was 9+ months pregnant I was pretty strong that I didn't want to do it this time . So naturally... keep your fingers crossed for us please!
Any questions you want to ask?
Have any of you gathered stuff for your birth yet?
I know we have a few home birthers here, but this can apply to the hospital too. ;)
And, are any one of you having trouble picking out a name? We've got one solid for a boy.. but for a girl we are totally clueless...