Dec 10, 2016 19:54
Not for a title, tho that's probably next, but for something to use for the 'Lords a leaping' and 'Pipers piping' part of the 12 Days of Christmas.
The fic is Tony/Pepper, or Pepperony if you prefer, and Tony is giving Pepper a gift each day for the 12 days up to Christmas. The last one will be on Christmas eve. Money isn't an issue, but he's being thoughtful and not over the top -- ok, not too over the top, this is Tony Stark. I've written the fic up to the 9th day, but I've stalled because I can't figure out what to do about the last 2 days!
So far, my only ideas have been to have Pepper given a guest spot on Sesame Street with Kermit and other frogs -- leaping, frogs, get it? Something about girls can be scientests and such. Promote that STEM idea. Pepper loves Kermit, who doesn't, right?
The other one, is more me giving up than Tony, but he swaps days 11 and 12 so that 12 is the Pipers to give himself time to figure that one out. All day goes by with no gift and they end up in a kitchen with the rest of their Avengers friends and family decorating cookies. Tony is bummed until someone, maybe Pepper, points out that there's 12 of them and they are piping. Cos, piping icing is still piping, right? Sigh....
need help,
my fic