I haven't written anything in like forever, right? Mainly because... well... I don't know why. But anyway, I got the weirdest idea the other night. I watched, or tried to watch, Richard the Third with Robert Downey, jr. And it sucked. Srlsy, sucked big time. Even RDJ was not so good. He wasn't using an English accent and stood out like a sore thumb. An attractive sore thumb, but still... meh. Tho there's a great scene where he's tied to the bed and having sex, that was nice. Until someone stabbed him from under the bed. Talk about your bad reviews, right? ;)
I remembered the Al Pacino movie/documentary Looking For Richard. He's got such a great passion for the play and performs it so well, but his accent is very New York and not so much a son of York. Yes, bad pun. He also stuck out like a sore thumb, but at least he was acting his ass off. And I thought, he needed to do an updated version of Richard the Third, like they did with Romeo + Juliet.(1996, Leonardo DiCaprio, young and yummy and the movie rocks. You should see it.) It was set modern day but kept the Shakespearean dialogue. That way Al's accent would fit in.
The weird idea then presented itself to me. I should write the updated Richard the Third and send it to Al Pacino. I'm thinking my plot bunnies had been out doing tequila shooters all this time. I've never written any original fic and now I want to tackle rewriting Shakespeare? Which, now that I think about it, is still not writing original fic. Sigh... always the bridesmaid.
If anyone is out there and gives a rodent's backside, help me cast my make believe movie. Al, of course is Richard. I'm thinking Leo for Henry Tudor, after all, he's done Shakespeare once and done it really well, and he's golden and handsome and looks like he could be a new king taking the throne, right?
How about the modern setting that fits Al's very obvious NY area accent? The Mob is too easy, so that's out. Something weird to fit this idea and so people would go "Al Pacino as a ______?"
Just for fun, come on and help me out! Linkage here for those who aren't familiar with the play or the Yorks and Lancasters:
Richard III