I'm considering getting another tattoo, this time on the inside of the other ankle. I'm thinking something like a charm bracelet -- anklet in this case -- with charms hanging off it. Each charm would represent a fandom I've written for. In?
I'm thinking one will have the Voyager combadge with the Maquis logo on it, one with Starksy & Hutch -- the logo not their faces! owch -- one with Iron Man's arc reactor, and one that says 55 DAVID. And for the chain, something Celtic looking.
The chain would go all the way around my ankle, but the charms would be centered on the inside of my ankle so I can see them. Or some of them, I have no clue how far around they'd end up. But, I don't think all the way, that way any new fandoms could be added. ;)
I've got vague images in my head, but any suggestions from more artistic types -- and those with more tattoo experience -- are welcome!
Here's the tattoo I have now, which is obviously Buffy/Angel inspired.