Title : The sink's problem
Genre : General ; Humor
Pairing : Yunho x Jaejoong
Length : Drabble
Rating : G
Summary : There was a problem with the sink, well Jae said so.
"Yun... I think there's something wrong with the sink," Jaejoong said. "Can you check it please, honey ?"
"Okay," Yunho smiled as he walked in the kitchen.
He kneeled down under the furniture refered and inspected it.
"It's just a minor leak. I'll fix it."
- - - - -
"Yunho, there's a problem with the sink," the older man told his lover.
"What? It's been two days I've repaired it."
"Okay..." Yunho sighed when he heard Jaejoong whining.
He took few tools and went on all fours on the floor under the famous sink.
"There's nothing wrong."
"You sure?" Jaejoong asked as soon as his lover made a move to stand up.
"Yes Jae," Yunho replied before going with a sigh.
Of course Jaejoong knew the sink was fine. He just wanted to ogle his Yunho from behind.