over under out

Jan 07, 2016 20:12

Phone calls re: 15 Jan would be greatly appreciated.

New cousin! It is, as predicted, a boy. We're two shy of Papa's baseball team XD All eyes are on my brother now...

You guys. You guys. You guys. SKYRIM. Holy crap. Like I needed a new addiction.

HOWEVER, as it is January and I'm getting crazier by the second, plus the hand-washing is back, my therapist told me to do the following: play as many video games as possible if it keeps me out of the real world. Come February that "prescription" will certainly change.

I find out soon if people in ____ would like me to teach them to read and write.

"Blackstar" comes out tomorrow! I pre-ordered it on Amazon, so I'm wondering if it'll get here tomorrow or if it'll ship tomorrow. Once again Bowie has caused crazy controversy... the titular song, when played backwards, is sending messages to all sorts of religious groups. It sounds like he says, "I sleep on my pillow" at one point. I didn't hear any other "words". Apparently Cthulu is coming this year and Bowie foretold it in backwards "Blackstar". We've been warned. It's actually really cool when played in reverse. It's smooth and kinda creepy.

I also pre-ordered "Crimson Peak", but that's not out for another month and I neeeeeeeeeed it.

obsessions, david bowie, tvrtko, erin

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