Title: Glutton for Punishment
mapsandlegendsRating: Mature/R
Pairing: Gil/Greg
Challenge: Gluttony, part of the Seven Deadly Sins drabble prompts at
gil_loves_gregWarnings: light bondage, d/s
Summary: Kinda hard to summarize a drabble without giving it all away, ya know?
Author's Note: I've left it up to you, the reader, to decide who's doing what to whom. First actual fic post, anywhere. I am slightly nervous.
Disclaimer: Alas, I must continue to live my dreams vicariously through fanfiction. All rights reserved by CBS/Alliance Atlantis/etc.
His eyes bored into mine, challenging, demanding obedience.
I moaned as the heavy weight of his hand fell again. My body smouldered, caught flame and burnt with the heat he ignited. I craved more, ravenous for the harsh caress of his calloused hand.
"Eight," I gasped, knowing the consequences of losing count.
Another blow landed on soft flesh, and I struggled against my bonds.
"Ten," I panted, aching with lust.
Warmth blanketed me, and still I begged for more, more sensation, more anything. He slid inside, kissing my shoulder tenderly.
"Don't stop, never stop," I sobbed.
"Never," he promised.