So the new Life manifesto going around has gathered a lot of great attention from people. I thought instead of just sharing out the image, I would also reply to how it effects me and my life.
This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
I really feel that I do. I grew up liking videogames, I now play my own personal videogames that I've bought or traded across various systems. I love anime, so I watch as much as I can or go to conventions and party with other friends who have similar interests.They're childish things, yes, but they are things I love and won't let anyone tell me not to either because I'm too old or it's getting me nowhere.
If you don't like something, change it.
There's some things I would want to improve or make better but there isn't too much in my life that i don't like right now. I'm happy the way things are.
-If you don't like your job, quit.
I absolutely LOVE my job. There aren't many people who can say that, and I feel bad they have to suffer so much on a daily basis. I have been working with my company for almost 4 years now, the longest I've been with a single job. It pays well, I get all the sick days, 401k, dental, and medical benefits jobs should provide. I get paid time off and my coworkers and supervisor are very cool. The pay is pretty good for what I do and I'm free to browse the internet all day.I feel that a lot of my friends are stuck in retail or other jobs but are afraid to make the step and walk away from it, thinking there isn't something else that they might enjoy out there, work shouldn't be painful.
-If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv.
I've made a great effort to condense this. At my house, despite the 80 inch projection screen and satellite connections, we took off cable and tv. If I want to watch a show, I'll download or stream it, watching it at my leisure, but channel surfing is completely out. Facebook, however... haha. Now that could use some time condensing.
-If you are looking for the love of your life, stop.
-They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
I have such a problem accepting this. I look for love all the time and I'm constantly hurt by failures and breakups. I've learned to just let things go and move on, but sometimes loneliness gets the best of me. I go out to try and find it only to end up just getting hurt all over again. It would be nice to know that I'll find it one day but the chase always seems to get me on the search for the right person time after time.
-Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
I don't let too much phase me. Life has always been a simple plan as far as daily routine of work, sleep, play.
-All emotions are beautiful.
-When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
I am a food fanatic. I've pretty much abolished fast food entirely. The more obscure and strange the better I say. Give me extra spicy and give me the thing on the menu I cant pronounce, I'll love it even more and have stories to tell. The most bizarre things I've eaten: Ox Tail, Elk, Bison, Frog Legs, Alligator, Crawfish, and Goat Soup.
-Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
I always try to make new friends. I always try any kind of activity at least once. I also have no reason to be close minded about anything. All of my friends are a little weird in one way or another so I'm used to it accepting them for who they are.
Ask the person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
I'm told I'm a really good listener, so hearing ideas and dreams of other people is really something I'm into. Often I'll compare what my aspirations are compared to theirs.
Travel often; getting lost with help you find yourself.
I've made this a life goal. At least once a year, go on a trip, vacation, adventure and have it somewhere out of state, out of country if possible. I get this from my parents who also love traveling.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
I do this as often as I can. Even going to someones house party or meeting up with someone, I try to leave the house and get out to as may events as possible. There's no telling who I'll meet or what coincidence swill happen, but they won't happen staying at home, that's for sure.
Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.
I know people of so many different backgrounds. Polish, Mexican, Peruvian, Estonian, Japanese, Chinese to name a few and I'm always meeting more. I love more than anything to do things with other people. I have a personal policy that rather than do things alone I would rather do them with someone to share the experience with them and have them create memories just as i have and share them with others.
Life is short.
Live your dream and share your passion.