Signs seen at April Peace March in Portland (just now getting them posted)

May 07, 2003 09:54

Signs seen at April 12 Peace March in Portland, Oregon

Patriotism Act - Don’t think of it as an invasion of your privacy, but as a liberation of your privacy.

If any question why we died, tell them because our fathers lied. R. Kipling, 1919

No war on (Iraq crossed out, replaced with) Syria.

Scare a Republican; register to vote here.

I never wonder to see men wicked, but often wonder to see them not ashamed. J. Swift.

Let the UN take charge.

Another Oregonian for Peace

Bush lied.

Not Syria next.

US Policy: Fight terrorism - promote fear, hatred and lawlessness instead.

War kills, peace heals. Stop killing start caring.

No more body bags.

Support our troops, bring in the U.N.

Anything war can, peace can do better. Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Violence is the problem, not the solution.

Think Nuremberg.

Big Brother is watching you.

The war ain’t Kosher.

More women and children will than terrorists. (sign on a fabric diaper hanging from back of baby backpack.)

Stop the profitable war business.

Wanted for murder - G W Bush

Humility, not Hegemony

No more Bush-it. Bush can kiss my axis.

Bombs are NOT humanitarian aid.

While bombs are dropping, we’ll keep on shopping. While kilds are dying, we’ll keep on buying.

Goodbye Democracy; hello Facism.

Killing for Democracy = hypocracy

Stop bombing my mother (earth picture)

Hey “dumbass leader of the world” shouldn’t have been your first job.

Murder is an unelected president conducting an illegal war.

There is no victory in killing the innocent

Peace: back by poular demand

Hey man, don’t let the cops wreck your parade.

Bush & Co. “Liberating the world, one occupation at a time.”

Congress supports the troops by cutting benefits to Veterans.

No war on Syria, Iran, ….

Senate resolutions #81 & 82 point to Iran and the people’s desire to be liberated.

Corporate greed will kill us all.

God (Bless crossed off) Forgive America
Plutocrat = anyone having political influence or control because of wealth
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