Peace March signs seen in San Francisco

Mar 20, 2003 20:58

There are fewer duplicates here than I expected to see. Thanks to Willworker for noticing my post and commenting.

Posters at the San Francisco peace rally:

Stop mad cowboy disease

A$$es of evil - Bush, Cheney, Blair

How many lives per gallon?

Regime change starts at home

Sometimes the French are right

Just say no to oil-ocracy

Bush: let us prey

Orphans make great terrorists

Empty war heads found in White House

Cockroaches for Armageddon

Whom would Jesus bomb?

Go solar, not ballistic

How'd our oil get under their sand?

Bush is a dumb ass

Mend your fuelish ways

Code green - go for peace

Be a patriot - ride a bike.

Duct tape is not the answer

George W. Bush - war monger

Let's bomb Texas, they have oil

Balm Iraq

War = terrorism with a big budget

Roll joints, not tanks

Suck dick, Cheney

Impeach President Moron

Disarm the Bush regime

Have another pretzel

What's this "homeland" scheisse?

Hey Bush, war is so last century

Dumbya: Daddy, I want my own war

If war is inevitable - start drafting SUV drivers

War makes the victor stupid and the vanquished vengeful [Nietzsche]

There are alternatives to war AND oil

Don't let a rogue president make us a rogue nation

No Dubya Dubya III

Lunatics have hijacked our country

Killing for peace equals fucking for virginity

Quick, let's bomb more Iraqi children before they starve to death

When the rich wage war, the poor die [Sartre]

Democracy RIP - 1776-2000. Ah well, we had a good run.

Preemptive war equals terrorism

Bush + Ashcroft + Rumsfield = terrorist network

Our tax dollars should educate American children, not kill Iraqi children

Proud to be an American against the war

Dank, Deutschland. Merci, France.

We're the ones who gobble up the oil

We want our constitution back

Defend Iraq against US imperialist attack

We have nothing to fear but Bush himself

Think with your head not with your dick & bush

Code orange alert - our president is an evil a$$


Impeachment, not war

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention

Bush is wrong, war is wrong

Emperor Bush is wearing no clothes

Collateral damage has a face

War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again.

Now boys, don't hit ... use your words!

No ruler has the right to ignore the will of the world

Rage against the machine

I went to the gulf war and all I got was this lousy syndrome


Abort the Bush die-nasty

Let Iraqi children have a future, Mr. Bush

Bush lost

War, greed, hypocrisy - we demand a change in policy

George Bush = son of Satan

Draft the Bush twins

Hey - red neck, go back to Texas

Bush - endangering America, enraging the world

Yep, let's kill the desperately poor on behalf of the obscenely rich

21st century Bush doctrine - accept US imperialism or die

Impeach the son of a Bush

First casualty of war: the truth

Shut down the war machine

Choose peace

Regime change - in the White House

Smoke pot, not people

Merci a la France

Republic, not empire

Red alert - Bush is dangerous

No more blood for oil

Hans Blix, look over here

Got terror?

I didn't bring my children into the world to kill for the rich

Listen to old Europe

Buck fush

Bush is a moron

Bush = white kkknight for oil industry

Engineers against drafting

Bush hates America

Murdering innocent children is in the highest moral tradition of our country

Save the humans

Preemptive peace

Smush Bush

The only Bush I trust is the one on me

The last time someone listened to a Bush they ended up wandering through the desert for 40 years

Dissent - the essence of democracy

Stop the Blair Bush project

Teach peace

War leaves every child behind

Support our troops. Bring them home.

Dissent is patriotic

Don't let this chimp play us for chumps

Thou shalt not kill

The emperor is mad

Drop Bush not bombs

Wake up, contest the war

Bush - Public Enemy #1

Wage Peace

Bush, Enron, Cheney, Halliburton

Bad plan, dude

Fight the power

Jews for burning Bush

At least Hitler was elected
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