Here be the Masterpost of fic, because eventually I plan to write enough to warrant one!
One Shots:
More Damage Than A Soul Should See - Blaine has been looking for Kurt forever. It scares him.
Kickin' Through the Autumn Leaves - Kurt had been the one to tell Blaine they’d make it, ‘I told you, I’m never saying goodbye to you’ so it makes little sense for him to be the one feeling the way that he does.
Played In The Dirt 'verse:
[Future!Klaine. Kurt and Blaine are still Kurt and Blaine, will always be Kurt and Blaine and Sebastian Smythe is an unwanted blast from the past.]
Played in the Dirt - Part 1 Played in the Dirt - Part 2 Forgot To Say Out Loud Played in the Dirt - Part 3 Just Stay The Same Dream on, Dreamer, verse:
[Future!Klaine, set mostly in New York because, man, can I ever imagine Kurt and Blaine in the Big Apple! Is love ever really enough? When you're growing from a boy to a man and being pulled in all directions, can you keep hold of the hand of your first love; can you make it through?]
Frame Your Hazel Eyes Deep In Nothing But Love We'll Always be Together Sapphire and Faded Jeans - Blainetana friendship
We'll Hide Under The Covers All Afternoon I Don't Care About Anything But You You Got My Heart In Headlock