I for one am impressed beyond belief how the maple community discussed the whole straight/gay marriage issue once Amoria popped out. I've read some of the things you all wrote to each other and i'm glad nobody went out on an extreme and started flaming each other. Quite often, opposing beliefs usually clash and it starts to get really dirty.
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Comments 7
and yea it is expensive as heck, but some of the dresses are so pretty ::Swoon::
*too lazy to type out practically the exact same thing as her*
Also, I actually don't mind that weddings are so expensive as it makes players think before rushing into a marriage. (Also, I heard it cost something along the lines of 5 million mesos to get a divorce) Furthermore, if wedding rings are going to unlock new content and stat boosts, then it's reasonable that the whole process is so expensive because nothing else you can buy in cash shop will give you that.
"A quote from rent"
no need to ask
wow that was like...political life story.
I personally don't have a problem with gay marriage only because I don't see who it's hurting. At the same time though, there's well....OTHER THINGS (ha ha! being vague, no need to start a useless argument when we're all being so grown up about it ;D) that I'm against for the most part which makes it hard to place myself on one side or the other.
and so there! you thought YOU gave a life story in a comment...;)
glad i did, thought... it was a very nice surprise, and i always enjoy a nice--respectful--debate about religious beliefs.
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