Yesterday I hit the big 100! So I thought today I'd post a couple of screenies/memories from oldest to newest =)
Before I knew jr rog didn't spawn all the time.... we made a trip down there... see our mixed emotions? xD
This was around the time when I first met Ant & Rowe & everyone else <3
When CS first came out... everything was hella cheap!
Aww... Halloween last year....
Ahhhh.... now I pwn those things with SR <3 REVENGE!!! xD
Roar~ zombies on the prowl! (Yay for mobbing them and trying to screen them xD)
... Random cool action shot =P
CS hair coupons finally came out.... oh dear... I got an ugly one or five... -___-; No I didn't screen it all... xD
I kept that one for awhile... until KERNING coupons came....
angelic is lvl 55... like whoaaaa! Didn't think I'd get past 50~
WTF? 3rd JOB ADVANCE?!?! I reaaaally didn't think I'd reach that either....
Awww... it's that BAZURA~
OH HELL YEAAAAH~ 1yr later... and counting =P