And that's all folks!

May 28, 2006 00:08

It's Midnight, the Quiz is locked, I'm almost finished with comparisons of answers and in a short few minutes I'll have the list of finalists that will be in the heated FINAL QUIZ for the chance to win 10,000 NX CASH!

Oh, and on a side note, I'm posting this here before I give out the results...

The way I'm gradeing the answers is on three levels.

1. Exact worded answers *Spelling correctly*
2. Post actions *Did you make just one post, did you deleat your post and try to re-post correct answers, etc...*
3. Time you posted *mostly so I can organize the data. XD*

Yes, alot of you said correct answers, but you flubbed spellings by 1-3 letters... and when a answer only has 3 letters in it, that's a major factor... so I had to be accurate to be fair with every question in the sence of accurate spelling of answers.

Also I got complaints that some of the questions were poorly worded. Well I'd also like to inform you that LJ will be preforming a SEVER check at 2AM EDT untill 4AM EDT just because they can.

Yea... I purposly worded the questions funny to mask simple questions behind confuseing statements. I am surprised on most of you complaining about the Level you turn into a Mage question yet 90% of you got it right and guessed Lv 8.

Also when I post the people that are moveing on, I'll also post an answer list for ya'll so you can compare what you first wrote down. ^_^ this way i nfuture Quizes you can have a study Guide.

Ok, I'm going back to gradeing. Feel free to use this post to discuss the quiz now. I'll be back shortly with the results!

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