Do NOT drop...

May 12, 2006 13:57


If someone wants to give you something, let them give it to you. They are fully capable of dropping items for you without you first dropping something. I mean c'mon, this is common sense. Of course, they could always just trade request you and give it to you. If they refuse, THEY WEREN'T GOING TO GIVE YOU ANYTHING TO BEGIN WITH.

What is the point of the "drop game"? To show off? To give you that rush of living on the edge?
Then don't complain when your stuff gets taken.

Need to trade? Use the trade function. There is no tax on ITEMS.

Someone wants to see an item you have? Use the trade function. Place your item in the little box. Hit 'cancel' when you are done displaying your goods. Do not hit 'trade.'

There. I thought this was all common sense, but clearly it needed to be reiterated. Please stop losing your hard-earned items to low-life scums.


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