Stolen from like...everyone.
I'm cutting it, so people who don't RP won't need to read it if they don't want to.
1. Where and when did you start RPing?
Back when I was like...12, there was this Digimon roleplaying board. We were all pre-teens and terrible about roleplaying back then. But it did get me interested in roleplaying, so that's a good thing.
2. Do you RP anywhere other than LJ?
I have a couple accounts for a little musebox thingy on IJ, because we were derps and wanted icon space. otherwise no.
3. Do you play in any public games?
discedo. That's it right now o/ but other then CFUD I go through games insanely fast, so this changes a lot. I. I'm not good about staying in games a long time 8(
4. Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
I like both! But it depends on the situation. Currently I really like the kind of replying
coldandvikings has gotten me into over at Discedo, because it's insanely fun and I giggle insanely while doing it. So I guess it's whatever I have fun doing is what I like.
5. What was the first character you ever played?
A shitty OC self-insert in a Digimon game :B on lj, there was like...two days where I was in an HPRP, and I played some random character that's mentioned twice in the books. My first REAL character on LJ was Senri over at
i_s_l_a_n_d_rp back in April-ish of 2007.
6. Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
Oh man do I have to pick one? D: Because there's three I just LOVE and will never ever drop because sdjflsdkjfslk LOVE THEM.
A: Satoshi (
trump_apple) - I apped him on a whim because the app round was 3 days after his canon had been translated, and I had made activity for CFUD but I wasn't able to app the person I was planning on apping. Best whim-apping choice I made ever. I seriously love playing as him, he's cute and funny and it's insanely easy to tag as him because he just comes so naturally for me. With other characters, sometimes I have trouble tagging. I've never had trouble with him.
B: Timothy (
inurakuma) - He is a fun little brat, and I get to play a fun little brat and troll everyone he talks to ufufufu. Actually I like playing him because it makes me actually think while I'm roleplaying. Like, a child's mind and an adult's mind are VERY different, and being able to play someone who thinks differently from what I usually play is both an exercise and a joy. Though it probably helps that I took child psychology classes in college, so I know stuff about how kids think differently and why they do the shit they do and that helps some. Also I get joy from playing him being an asshole to people, I can't deny that.
C: Finland (
yourfaceisscary) - Okay, I'll admit, like 75% of my joy for playing him comes from having absolutely epic castmates. I don't think I would have nearly as much fun as I do if not for all of the crazy shenanigans we do with them. It's kind of hard to explain, but those crazy times at Discedo just feel more in-tune with how the actual series is. I've played Hetalia characters in other places, and outside of CFUD (which is its own brand of crazy and is equally fun, so I won't be dropping from there either anytime soon) it just...wasn't fun. It lost that spark that is what originally drew me to the series in the first place. But with Discedo and CFUD there is that 'cracky shenanigans' feel to it, and I just suck that up like a sponge does water. I feel like this is what roleplaying from Hetalia is supposed to be, and that's why it's so fun. Which is kind of hilarious for Discedo, since it's supposed to be a serious game. Oops.
7. What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
Uh...Watanuki at Island? I think I had him for a year and a half. Mai at CFUD could also be that long, I had her for a year and seven months. Marona might be the record-holder soon though, as she reaches two years in September as long as I don't drop her before then. It takes me a while to find characters I'm really comfortable with, so I don't usually play people for longer than a year.
8. What's your biggest RP pet peeve?
People getting Sweden's fucking accent wrong I mean, when people don't pay attention to those tiny nuances that help define a character. Like Sweden's accent in Hetalia, that is the thing that bugs me the MOST because I've only ever seen one person EVER IN RP HISTORY get it right.
my_kea ilu bb ;A; You don't drop every vowel from his speech all together people, he cuts out entire syllables to make his speaking shorter. Like here, look at this example: people take "I would like to go with them" and turn it into "I w'ld l'k' t' g' w'th th'm." This is wrong. That is ridiculous. That is ridiculous and wrong. The right way to do it is "I'd like t'go with 'em." THAT is how you do his accent.
But while Sweden's accent is a biiiig one for me right now, other little things like that will pop up every now and then and grate on my nerves and just make me want to flip tables. Overuse of tildes is another one. I PLAY characters who tilde, and seeing people abuse them just annoys me to no end. Someone can be completely and utterly IC, but if there is that one thing about them then I just can't stand it. But it's so difficult to crit on some of these things, and people get butthurt about it all the time, and it just is a big headache ._.
9. Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme?
10. If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
Community-based. I like using journals for memes and continuation threads and private conversations and stuff like that. Plus I like to use one journal at multiple games if I can (though I rarely play one character at two or more games), because it cuts down on icon costs.
11. Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer?
Honestly? The latter. RPing is about fun. I don't want to RP if it's not fun. I can handle a few instances of slightly-OOC behavior if it's not to the point where it destroys the character. Though truthfully mediocre writing isn't a problem either, if the game is still fun. SO YEAH.
12. Do you have a "RP partner"?
Oh god can I just say the entire Hetalia cast plus a few extras? There's nobody I stick with ALL THE TIME OMG but there's a group of like...10-15 people (a mix of people from CFUD, Discedo, and Poly) I do like 90% of my RPing with. I'll thread with anyone who tags me or who I find interesting and tag, but it's VERY rare to find me in a game without one of them.
13. Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? Who?
I don't really stalk :( I spend more time playing than stalking haha. But I guess
coldandvikings counts because I read all of their EPIC logs and end up tagging most of their posts anyway.
14. In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
Everything except the sample. I feel like I'm just regurgitating information in order to please other people. The samples are the only part I really like doing, because it's me actually writing the character. And really, that's the only part you need. Anyone can look up stuff on wikipedia and write it down in slightly different words. That doesn't tell anyone how good of a player they are. It's the sample that shows if you have the voice or not. It's part of why I like CFUD apps so much: it's almost all writing sample.
15. Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
FFFF I did it exactly twice: one was a gift to someone else, and the other was because I found pretty fanart and wanted to make a profile code. Both times took me forever. I rarely do this because it doesn't affect playing at all.
16. What was your first game?
The Digimon one. First lj game (outside of the HP one) was
17. Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
I would avoid Kodomo no Jikan/Boku no Pico and other sexual shota/loli stuff like that (as in, 10-year-olds and younger having sex in canon) because it squicks me out to no end, but I haven't really come across it that much in RP land.
18. Most memorable scene in any thread?
...There's a lot :( (from every game I've ever played in) Oki destroying a computer because he thought it was a demon, Timothy punching Lance for drawing a terrible picture of him, Denmark and Finland building a snow-fort and then throwing snow at each other, Watanuki yelling at Doumeki for doing exactly what he had seen in a vision of the future, Mai and Domyoji raising an egg-baby, Akito letting Watanuki use his A-Ts with disastrous results, Satoshi and Chitose discussing the merit of bunny-ninjas, Germany adopting Dug, Timothy possessing Austria, Timothy and Devit being fail!partners in CFUW, Finland explaining STDs and gay marriage to 1650s!Sweden, Robin and Kanda sort-of-bonding somehow, Timothy learning history from Prussia, Satoshi in the Masque game of CFUW, Zashiki-Warashi arriving in camp on the annual nekkid day, and so much more. I could list them all day, but it would max out the character limit in an entry.
19. Do you RP sex?
I would, but I'm REALLY shy about that kind of thing and never ask first. If someone else asked me I would say yes, but nobody asks me so \o/
20. Do you play more males or females?
...*counts* in all of my RPing history (including D&D characters) I've had somewhere around 70 guys and 15-ish girls. But I played a LOT of D&D in college, and I rarely played girls for it because my girls kept getting molested in-game because of pervy DMs, so my number of boys went over 9000. Just counting livejournal, it would be like 27 boys and 10 girls. So it's about a 1:3 ratio of girls to boys, which isn't too terrible actually.
21. What *won't* you RP?
Really kinky shit.
22. Dressing rooms: yes or no?
They can be fun, so sure.
23. Ever RPed a pairing?
Occasionally, but like with the sex thing I'm really shy about asking, so it rarely ever happens unless it's a canon pairing.
24. Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
I like them all! \o/
25. Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
I am good friends with the only other Timothy in LJ. We even roleplay our Timothys together in the DR sometimes. Outside of that, most of my characters aren't popular enough for me to come across doubles. Watanuki is a notable exception, but the only other Watanuki I talk to is CFUD's Watanuki.
And that's it! That was a pretty fun meme, actually.