Jan 09, 2011 11:05
OK so as some of you might maybe sort of kind of know is that Kellogg's has been marketing all of the weird poptarts flavors- well, I decided to try a couple new ones, just for kicks. The ones I chose were blueberry muffin and apple strudel. WEEEELLLL let's just say they are indeed something of a departure from the normal poptarts... the filling inside the blueberry muffin poptart is reeeeeeeeally gooey- to the point it sort of dribbles out, which is kind of inconvenient if you like to eat your poptarts out of a pocket on your backpack like I do >.> but the taste is ok, just a bit too sugary, so I won't buy that kind again. However, the apple strudel I actually really like- I had to get over the taste of the poptart crust though, since it just tasted like nasty mass manufactured crust (which it is). The filling is nice and not goopy so it's perfect for my main method of public nomming, and also it actually tastes like apple filling! So yes, I quite enjoyed that new flavor.
food review