(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 21:54

Our Nieghbours
The election south of the border is big news here in Canada. Part of being the neighbour to the North is that we see things a little more clearly (maybe) from the outside vantage point. Now this is not exactly true for ALL Canadians. We too are going through a change in our political make-up.

As in the US, Canada is also experiencing a shift in Politics. The Right-Wing is pulling together and now are leaning more to the right. In Canada, traditionally there were three parties representing the people: The Middle Right, Middle Left and Centre. But times have changed. The Right split into the Far Right and the Middle Right then joined back together, but are still TOO far right. The Left almost committed suicide and the Middle began leaning more to the Right. Then there are the Separatists in Quebec.... Oh Bruddha!

But back to the US.

The Sum Of All Fears
I want to tell you how much I distrust Mr. GW Bush. I feel he has lied to the American people about terrorism.

* Why attack Iraq when all 19 Hijackers were Saudi?
* Why flip-flop on "OBL", first saying he "dosen't think of him anymore" then lying and saying he never said that?
* This is a man who shirked his duty to the United States during the Vietnam war.
* Now he is the man in charge of the War in Iraq.
* How can people pass over a man who fought for his country in a war that was WRONG and then after doing his duty, challenged the Government to "Look into the injustices committed by Americans in Vietnam".
* What happened to Church and State being Separate?
* How smart was calling an Invasion into the Middle East "A CRUSADE"
* Some countries have sent Medical and Humanitarian aid, yet Bush insists on telling the world he has 'World support'. But no other superpower other than Britain has come forward.
* Calling an Election in Afganistan and Iraq does not mean they are a democracy. Bush followers can say that those countries now have democracies but everyone in the world knows the truth. They are backed up and protected by the Military. There is no true democracy there.
* How come no one finds it strange that the people who were in charge of the Civilian aspect of Iraq were once OIL people who had connections to Bush?
* Haliburton... Come on... Cheney- Former CEO(??) of Haliburton. Haliburton gets to feed at the trough of the American taxpayer.
* Oil prices? Who benefits? Can you say Bush's friends in the Oil business?

The Tape from "OBL" last week seemed to prove that the American public dosen't seem to care anymore. Instead of shock or dismay, there seemed to be a mood of "so what?"

I fear people are not voting on any issue anymore. But I think that has become the issue. FEAR is the true issue. I find that the most terrible thing to do, is to scare your own people! From what I read and hear and see, people are choosing someone they feel will protect them. But how can they choose the man that put them in the danger in the first place? Do they even realize that it was Bush who took them from the GOOD fight into the WRONG fight. He says he will protect you but in Iraq, thousands of civilians are dying and those deaths are creating martyrs and hate. Now the War dead has surpassed 1000 American soldiers. And what about those kidnapped and beheaded?

No Winners
It has to stop! I do not know how Mr. Kerry will change a terrible situation. It is not easy to just withdraw troops when they have made such huge commitments. I cannot for-see a quick or easy solution.

I do not know who will win. It is a country deeply divided and nothing will change that in the coming years. I would cast my lot with Mr. Kerry if I could.

Sadly like many others around the world,we have no say and we must put our trust in the American People to make us all safe again by voting for change.

faves, politics

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