
Jun 16, 2007 22:35

With Mom being ill, it has made other things more vivid.

It has been a little stress-free mainly because this is the beginning period. Next week things will be very very tense when Mom begins the Chemo. It is something I am not wanting to see or to happen. They insert a pick(which is a drip for the needle) and it is left in the arm for a week or two so that when she comes in, they just insert the drip into the pick. It usually takes from 3-5 hours to receive the chemo. It is one of these things that really upsets me.

I am trying to stay in good spirits for Mom. We are talking about old times. Clarifying things that happened when I was younger and connecting.

I also spent some time with my Dad and sister today. It was nice. Dad was his usual good, then a pain in the butt, self. We ended up going out for coffee, then went to get his hair (what's left of it) trimmed. Its funny how a haircut makes him look so much younger. We were discussing how both him and Mom don't have any wrinkles. Good genes on the wrinkle front...

I also found out that one of my friends from NY, LC, who was in two of my classes, is heading back to Cali. She actually befriended LH (or LH befriended her) and I was a throw-in but having bumped into here a few times, I have helped her out of a few jams. One with a bad experience with a Prof and now, she decided to leave some stuff at my apt while she returns to Cali. She is a good kid and seems to have had some tough times in her life. But she did not really like being here. Is it my destiny to befriend people who leave for the West Coast, or even further north, never to return???. Well LC also said she may not return either. What the heck do I do with 4 boxes of her stuff?. I just reminds me that LH is not returning and it still leaves a cold, empty feeling.

The Spring Solstice is coming up and I wish I could be up there with her enjoying such a long beautiful day with an incredible vista. I never told her, but it has always been something I always wanted to see and experience. That and see the whales. Of course my attraction to AK was due to the tv series Northern Exposure, set in the fictitious town of Cicily, AK. Anyways, it was a cult show, I loved it and always wanted to visit AK. I doubt it will happen. I guess we will drift apart now she is gone and begins to settle in (well it is logical, innit?). Yes, but does not mean I have to like it. I think part of it is, I rarely meet anyone who challenges me or makes me think and it was an unsettling, positive feeling. And I have lost that challenge.

And where do nice guys finish?

yy, garlic, ny, health, family, friends

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