Apr 20, 2007 11:14

I worked for 4 hours last night on my Independent Study and it was looking amazing! However, I saved it and attached it to an email. Only to discover later that I had attached the old version and not the new version. Now I have to start from scratch.

I lost all that work! I am so frustrated! Damn me!

Sometimes when a friend is hurt, you want to help but you just don't know what to do to make things better. And sometimes you end up sticking your foot in your mouth...(not that I would ever be caught doing that.. nosireeee bob!). Hurt is an awful thing. Especially when you want to rage against the person who has hurted [sic] your friends.

I hope that if ever, something bad has happened and you need someone to help, you will know I am there... except between the hours of 2am and 6 am(thats deep REM time)..:)

The year is winding down and there is so much to do and so much to complete. I am neglecting a few things for other things at the moment and LH is covering for me. I hope that she is not too mad. I just need to sort through all the other things I need to do.

I have not heard from a few people in a long time. 'you know who you are, dahlink1'. I hope you are all well...Well, except for a few who have disappeared for good reason.

Last night We ended up at a 'lil soul food shack' called The Pink Tea Cup". I had apple fritters (yum!!!!) and fried chicken! It was awesome and I think the chicken was fried 3 times...3 TIMES. I think the third time was for good luck. My big regret was not having the cornbread. I have found that I really love cornbread but with the jalapenos.

In my confusing, I gave the wrong amount of cash and embarrassed myself. But it was ok, It is cause the color of the money is all the same!!!

nyc grad, health, nyc, friends

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