It was a Year Ago

Feb 20, 2007 19:57

That I was in the UK.

In fact I was hitting all the museums and got a chance to see Lindsey!! Which is weird cause, she called me today but I was in class so I missed her call. It was so nice to hear her message and I realized that the weird thing was...I have been flashing back to last year over the past few days.

As I said many at time. If it was not for Linds and, of course LoMedhi, I would not have come out of Japan any saner.

But UK and Europe was not all good times. I lost 2 friends that time. One immediately in AB and the other as the summer progressed. It's funny that a friendship that was so strong could be so broken. It was a good time with SS but... as the time unfolded, there were incidences which really made me rethink my friendship.

I met her friend who... was one of the ugliest persons I ever met. Just a whole black hole of negativity. I tried to be polite to him, to cajole him into conversation and all he did was be a total asshole to me and to make matters worse, SS did not even try to say any thing.

But, was the whole experience worth it. Yes because it established a whole set of what I wanted in my friends... or probably more precisely, what I don't want.

So what brought all this up?

One of the guys in my class is going to Amsterdam tomorrow and I flashed back to my trip. I mean I had some great moments. Seeing Paul after 13 years and renewing our friendship. Seeing Chloe in Brussels for lunch and the Comic museum; seeing Rachel in Amsterdam and seeing Delphine in Paris and spending time in the Louvre...thought why I did not go to Versailles that time.. oh yeah... it was COLD.

So here I am talking to this fella in class about UK and Amsterdam and saying to him, how it was a year ago, and then 20 minutes later, Lindsey calls! Weird when Serendipity meets Karma.

I am at the library downstairs doing some reading and studying. I have to say, I have not seen so many pretty women in one place in a long time. I'm just observing but usually when I'm here its all the ordinary ones (like me) but today...well today, I guess the warmer weather brought out all the pretty ones. So what's a guy to do... Well go home of course. Because, nothing ever works for me.

ny grad, europe, flashback

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