"25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee"

Feb 12, 2007 00:14

Today LH and I went to see a Broadway show called....(check out the subject people!!!)

It was a spur of the moment thing...Well kinda sorta, we had all planned to see it last weekend but plans were canceled due to excess (not mine). In the meanwhile since it was such a so-so week, I thought I may pass up on going to see it. But then yesterday at the library, I just felt that I was burning out and needed a slight diversion from what will inevitably be a long semester.

We were going to get 'standing room only', only to find out they only sell those if the show is sold out. Otherwise, they have a lottery for 22 tickets and if those tickets are gone then they sell student tickets (how weird is that?!?!?). So we had to sign in for the lottery tickets.(Poor LH, I had to tell her that she had to put 2 tix on her 'request lottery form' in case I did not win but she did...It was pretty funny!)

So while we were waiting to sign in for the lottery tix, there was a commotion going on next door where they are showing the musical 'Wicked. There must have been about 100+ people waiting (and milling about), waiting for their lottery tix. Suddenly the usher came out and 'ordered' them to stand behind the line as they were to have the rules explained. We were laughing at the people until it dawned on us... that perhaps it would also happen to us.

When 1 p.m. rolled around we were allowed in to sign in for the tix and there were only 3 other people. We grabbed a quick lunch (McD's) and came back to hear the draw expecting some madness like next door and 'Wicked'...Instead there were 10 people...only, waiting for the lottery tix. I was called second. and LH was called 5th. But really everyone who was there got the tix for $25.

We looked at our tickets and they were for the first row!!! I kid you not! Row A seat 1. We were saying what a coup! Until the older couple in front of us told us that we may have to participate...Yikes!!!!!

Both LH and I began to get nervous. Actually, I thought it would be kool! Needless we went for a coffee and a guy thought we stole his table. Weird story.

We got back to the theatre and were allowed in where a usher came up to me and asked if I wanted to participate in the performance. I tried to sign up LH (Heh Heh Heh!!!) but they don't allow you to do that. When LH finally came, I told her I would not sign up unless she did also. LH surprised me by agreeing and signing up! So I had to sign up! They told us to come back in 10 mins to see if we were chosen. as the usher said to me, 'Wouldn't you like to be in a Broadway play?'. Hmmm, I thought, to myself "'Self', what a great hook!".

I mean, apart from the actors, how many do get to be on a Broadway stage and part of a performance? Well, we both chickened out (though, I would have really loved to do it!). The show was pretty good and funny and I think most elementary school teachers would have loved it! It was funny and cute and satirical.

I should say that these shows sometimes come out of left-field with some deep thoughts. You almost get blindsided by the emotions that assail you. The stories went from light to deep and sad and hurtful and emotionally draining. As i said, it was supposed to be humorous but it showed a lot of human frailty and hurt and in some moments, it reverbrated with me.

Overall it was beautiful! I am not sure if I could see it again but, it was definitely worth it. LH recommended 'Wicked but... I just could not get into the book though, I heard the musical was excellent!!

I enjoyed it despite the week singing with some of the characters but the romance and the performance by the VP was stellar!

ny social

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