New Grind

Jan 17, 2007 22:45

This week was the return to classes.

I have been looking forward/ dreading this week. As you know (all 1.8 of you), I was not thrilled with my performance in the first semester (and yes I did extremely well) but not up to what I would personally like to be.(Yes, there is pressure on myself but I do it because I think I have to set a standard and I have to follow it. It would be useless to get here and then squander it by thinking, I can coast when in reality, it is just the first step and I need to set goals to meet or I will flounder). That being said, after the Research course, I know they would not let us rest on our laurels.

Now that was a run on sentence!!

So far, I have had two of my 4 courses. The first one looks at 'Children of Immigrants'. It looks at the changes to immigration over the last hundred years and the impact on schools. The statistic which is amazing is that they will make up more than 50% of the population by 2040. This course looks at the impact of immigrant children, 2nd generation etc, on the education system and visa versa. It is some heady stuff, and the interesting thing is that the prof is the authority on this.

Tonight is the one that I was dreading but I was pleasantly surprised by the course, the prof and the outline. This course is required by my Dept and I was dreading it for a few reasons. Foremost was that it would be as intense as my Research Methods course in the first semester. While there is a certain intensity, I like the general notion that there is participation and no one is on the spot. However, there are 21 people in the class so the participation may be limited esp with a few more vocal participants.

The other reason is, our cohort is back together and while I like them and we get along, but I really felt I needed some time away from all of them. The idea of cohort is good, but we need the break. That being said, I only have that one course with all of them so I think it will be a good way to keep in touch but not worry about seeing them all the time. The third course on Ed. Reform will be with only some of the cohort. So that will be good. My final course is an Independent Study. It will be interesting because, I am creating the outline and the syllabus. I will be reviewing 'Foundations in Education Literature' and seeing where the course is going and 'how to improve it'. WOW!

So what else is happening?

Well I went to the Natural History Museum and it was a good time...except, I got a little nauseous because, I had been to the Specialist who was seeing if I had problems with my knees and she gave me a cortisone shot for my injured forearm. I think I had a reaction to the shot. I began to sweat profusely but was able to settle down.

There was an exhibit called GOLD. It was pretty good. Very enjoyable. I am really not fascinated by Gold, I think its shiny but...I have never seen the reason for the lust. Nor have I ever seen the lust for diamonds. But thats me and I don't think I am particularly materialistic (though sometimes, I think, wouldn't it be nice if I had....)

It was nice to see some of the elements of the Ben Stiller movie Night At The Museum'. Except not everything was seen. It was packed with parents and little kids and then a huge influx of school tours! It was crazy. I think I may go back when there are less people. One of the things I love are museums (yes, I know, I also see them as representing the rape and stripping of many ancient cultures to build the wealth of European countries but that has been debated in these pages already).

The thing with them is that they show us a world that existed previously and is the basis of our culture. It can represent what we consider, to be our values etc. I think I would like to do a museum every month from now on.

At the moment, I was supposed to be reading some of the articles for my courses but I am only one down and 7 to go! Go Me!!

I also went to Central Park with LH. It was a long walk and it was nice. It was more peaceful than usual. We didn't really talk too much. We walked through 1/2 of the park and across a few times where I got hopelessly lost with all the twists and turns. It was one of these unique and stark, beautiful days. It was crisp and there was a fog which hid many of the skyscrapers which gave the view a surreal and haunting look. We then ended up in a little cafe called Cafe Mozart. It was nice.

We really did not talk that much this time. I guess I was preoccupied with my thoughts. I know LH had a lot on her mind and well, I have been thinking of my mother's condition a lot and if any of my current decisions are sound. The last 2 weeks were very intense for me with a few scares healthwise caused by the stress and concerns about family plus various sudden things that popped up that I had to deal with.

I sometimes feel like talking about it but really, I feel that everyone else is more caught up in themselves and their problems. I understand and I am there for them but...

2nd sem, ny grad, ny social

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