Happy New Year 2007

Jan 01, 2007 12:51

New Beginnings
Another year has ended and another one begins. And what do I have to show for it?

I have a lot of thoughts that is circling my mind this past few days. What will this year bring? Who am I to be? How will my family be? Success and failure. Happiness and Sadness. Love or loneliness.

I think the first thing I will be is more a listener than a talker. I will not give my opinion. I will not give anyone advice. I am realizing that as much as I am seeing various paradigms, I am still missing other key shifts and not where I want to be emotionally. So the upshot is...shut my mouth...

Time Square
I had originally planned to spend New Year's Eve in and around my neighborhood. I thought I would hang out at Union Square and then head out to St. Mark's and basically get swept up in the euphoria of the event. I mean, after all I am in New York!!!. I also thought that the other people with whom I had discussed plans were all busy. Last minute changes and LH was planning to head to Time Square. I did not want to go but... then I thought to myself, 'May as well do it this year because I don't want to have any regrets about this experience'. We set out to meet some other people but that was not to be. I actually felt bad for LH because she was stuck with me and not her friends.

I called all my family and friends beforehand. Mainly because of the late hour and the illness of mom and dad.

We walked around the whole of Time Square and then went to a Japanese restaurant (why do these Japanese places haunt me-heh heh heh). We just had snacks and then headed out. We could not meet up with the others. Not for any lack of trying, but for the sheer number of people. We settled in around 45th and 8th Avenue for the final 45 minutes and ended up standing next to some Canadians (earlier I had said, I was going to see if I can find any Canadians) and I did!!!

It was as spectacular as it was anti-climatic. The ball fell from a distance and I saw it but no one counted and no one sang Auld Lang Syne. Then there was mass confusion as people cheers and milled about and shook hands and kissed. (I received none of the above...barely a handshake).

We made our way through the throngs and finally made it to the station and then as I was walking home. I helped some tourists find their way back to their hotel. So I at least started the year off with a good gesture.

I arrived home with a lot of thoughts. I think I have to concentrate on my classes and not on socializing and I think I will... Well these are a few personal thoughts that I need to sort out.

Overall it was a good time. Will I do it again next year? Hmmmm. LH and I were joking about how nice it would be to be in a different place each year. So who knows?

Props (in no particular order)
To all my friends: Especially the ones I rediscovered and love the most: JP, TH, MS, DS, ID. ZO, TS, LAL. The numerous ones I said goodbye to because they served to drain me. The new ones I met and cherish: LH, KS, MM, PA, EET. and the others I have forgotten.

The Revolutions
1. Listen
2. Help
3. Patience
4. Love and be Loved
5. Laugh
6. Experience
7. Experiment
8. Focus
9. Connect

(Pretty Deep stuff, eh?...naaaah but just written to give me something to think about)
and most important!!!!

love, thoughts, nyc, faves, family, friends

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