HOWL 'O' WEEN... In New York

Nov 01, 2006 01:01


The Day
For one of the first times in known history, I had almost caught up with most of my assignments. I plugged away at them last weekend and was able to feel less stressed. Today I finished my OT II readings and sighed with relief. I was just thinking I will get a scanner pen. I find I am doing so much reading that I need something to keep track of what I am reading. By no means am I ahead. I still have to do a few very major assignments and a tonne of other readings. But it was all good.

The Costume
Since it was Halloween, a few of us in class thought we would dress up. I couldn't figure out what the heck I would be. It finally dawned on me...I don't know why, but I decided I would go as an Envelope. It would have been simple and at the same time timeless. Sadly, I thought it would not go over well and changed my mind. When I got to class, I mentioned I was gonna go as an envelope and a few of them thought it was pretty funny.


The Parade
On 6th Avenue, there is a huge parade!

It was unbelievable!


The costumes! The bands! The writhing flesh! The sagging flesh! The Flesh! It was rampant nudity at its best!

God Bless America!!!

My cohort did wear costumes. They went as a Monk, Police woman, Pirate, Angel and 70's Icon. It was very cool. Made me wish I had dressed up as an envelope.

The Bar
So this is where I begin to get bored with following around some people who really don't grab my attention all the time. I am thinking, I am there just for the sake of bonding and not really cause I wanna be. We head to the first bar and it was...Well, dull. Actually, I was thinking I didn't want to even be there.

As we walked the streets, I was just...speechless. It was fantastic! It was chaotic! It was beautiful. There wasn't any tension. It was throngs of people, laughing, looking and sharing. A sociologist once examined and defined events like this. It is a social construct that allows people to 'blow of steam but within the confines of the culture. It is a planned cultural exercise to allow for people to do the things they would normally never do. I wish I could recall the exact name of the phenomenon. It was interesting that someone actually dissect things like Parades, Carnivals and Festivals.

The second bar was where all the 'fun' happened. We got there and it was not bad. The music (Which was great, but of course I did not recognize anything) was energizing and watching the people mingle and dance was fun. We accosted a table with this young lady who looked liked she just did not want to be there. Poor grrl, she was waiting for a friend. Finally the evening was getting more interesting with parts of our cohort attracting unwanted male attention. I have a few views on that but it runs along the line of 'you reap what you sow'. No it is not negative but men and men. and when men see a friendly woman, they all think, "Hey, here is my chance"

The Fight
I guess, one woman bumped another woman (who was standing next to me) and all hell broke loose! They began to argue and then the bf of one of the women, hit the glass from her hand. And hell really did break loose! It was like a scrum with women hitting women, men hitting women. furry animals humping firemen, Flavor Fave humping firemen. It was insane! The upshot of it all was I got a drink spilled all over me and rum in my ear. I could go on about the fight but, I thought it was so...humorous yet sad. Humorous because things like that should never escalate and it is about blustering. Sad because pride is such a fallacy.

The Conversation
I ended up chatting with one of my cohort. I like them all but she and I seem to get along the best and seem to be able to chat more openly about things. I enjoy it because, it gives me a different perspective on what I see and what assumptions I am making. I think part of it is, I enjoy the idea that my assumptions can be challenged. I don't want to be at the point where I am thinking, 'This is THE way, the ONLY way to see things'. I need the challenge of other ideas and other points of view. So listening to someone who is intelligent and thoughtful gives me an alternate perspective.

The End
Well, Halloween is over. But I have already planned my costume for next year. And no, it is not an envelope. In fact it will be brilliant!

It is evenings like these I sometimes wish never end because they invigorate you.

nyu grad, ny social

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