Circles Upon Circles Upon Circles

May 05, 2006 17:35

It seems that things are spinning out of control. After spending 3 weeks trying to work on an on-line Grad Loan, I finally decided to do the paper application and submit it. They say, "hey we welcome International Students" but every screen was met with a glaring red incomplete response. None of the information I put in was of any use because even though it is an international application, all the information they are asking for are based on US responses.

What really bothers me is that I am spending so much time and calling them endlessly with questions ranging from how to get beyond the next screen to whose address do I use if I have not moved to New York as yet.

It has been so crazy over the past few weeks. I re-read some of the instructions and I found that I am short a few dollars (ok ok, thousands) and so now I am scrambling to put these funds together. It should have been easy. Angus gets into grad school. Angus applies for funding. Angus gets funding. Angus spends funding on stereo... But instead, I have encountered every obstacle known to humanity.

Ya...on-line anything is supposed to be so much better. Unbelievable as it may sound, I am a partial Luddite (Look the damn thing up!). I like technology but I don't think it is the 'do-all and end-all' of our lives. Playing on the computer is fun. (Notice I say playing-because that's what it is to me-playing) Yes I can use it to word process but I am not smart enough to make it do the million things it is capable of. So I don't fulfill its functions but I enjoy it. When I taught, I hated getting essays that were Cut and Paste straight from the internet unto a page. Kids thought that if it was neat, the teacher would not realize that it is blatant plagiarism. Sheesh!

So that was my segue.

Back to the point at hand. Time is shrinking and I am tensing. I think many things must fall into place. I wish they would have already. I feel I wasted so much time (and I have)! But my pace has been one of 3 steps forward, 1 step back. So I know I am progressing but the rate is slow. I am trying to make leaps but find I cannot.

Yesterday I went to the bank to change some money since the Canadian dollar is so strong. I figured I would go in there and get everything done in like, ten minutes. Two hours later....

And still not everything was done.

I am trying to stay positive. I read, Lilies Of the Field while waiting for the Doctor. Short book. Inspiring. I was looking for something to inspire me. Homer did. His quest to build the chapel parallels my quest to go to NYU. He set out and by working toward his goal he inspired others to contribute. If you have a chance, watch the movie. Sidney Portier will make you weep at how incredible an actor he is. In my point of views he is perhaps one of the greatest actors of the 21st Century.

So I don't know if I'm falling together or falling apart (how poetic-someone should bottle me and sell it)

movies, reviews, nyu, teaching, books, thoughts, hopes

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