
Apr 25, 2006 18:55

I am in the process of filling in the documents for the Ontario Government Loan organization called OSAP (mentioned in previous entries). It seems that every time I think I have completed the form I find I am missing something pretty relevant to my situation.

Now, they are quite happy to give you money if you are attending a provincially funded university, but less inclined to do so if you are in my position. I was not hoping for much. Maybe $10 K. But it does not look like I will get that much. I am finding that my resources are very limited and my deadline is looming.

All morning I was poring over the OSAP website, trying to make sure I had done everything. The problem with this online system is: When you make a mistake, it tells you (which is good) but does not tell you how to correct it (which is bad). Plus my situation is very unusual so it compounds the matter. Thankfully, I was able to 'discover' a few other 'hidden' gems that I could apply for. I don't know if it will mean a greater amount of funding but one can hope. My MPP fizzled out for me. His office was unable to do anything for me.

I was supposed to apply today for some graduate assistant-ships but I realize for one of them I am supposed to include a 10 page double spaced syllabus and budget!!! And that aint even the half of it! I don't even know what the hell the position was for (having to do with Social Justice and education). So I think I will have to bow out of that one. The other, I found out too late and missed the deadline. Sheesh...

I also am trying to plan my moving to NYC. JP kindly agreed to accompany me and now I need one more person. I originally had hoped that Joe and Cayas would help but Cayas....Well he's another conundrum. So! If anyone wants to accompany me and Joe from Toronto to New York City in the middle weekend of August: Call, Email or thought project.

Oh Lord..grant me one hope....

nyu, education, travel

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