Mar 27, 2007 16:55
People in this game are getting weirder and weirder. o_O
I was in Ludi, already quite irate at the fact that I died due to Maple randomly minimizing- when this kid just defames me as I walk by. After hopping channels and chasing him down, and evenutally finding him hiding behind something in the potion shop, I ask him why he defamed me. He said it was because my fame was uneven and he had to take it down to 85 to even it out. ...never mind the fact that 85 is an odd number.
I then drop his fame (which probably annoyed him even more since I dropped it to 41 which is an odd number OHNOES!)
I F7 and walk away, and later get a whisper saying "This is the thanks I get for doing a good deed?" So I ask "Well my level isn't even either, what are you going to do about that?"
The response: "My level is even, OH BURN!!!1" So I say "I'd rather have a higher level than an evenly numbered level." And then he called me weird for that.
...I just don't know about people in this game anymore xD