Jun 30, 2010 20:45
Hiya, I have a character in Windia (Flexipop) and I'm looking for some friends! I'm currently level 140, but level doesn't matter-- I don't care if you're level 20 or 200, I'd like to be your friend. n__n My favorite places are Henesys (lol), Leafre, and Omega Sector (WAT) I like to adventure and mini-boss and train even! If you're a lower level than me, I'd be happy to help you with quests and stuff, too.
I know this is sort of a... deadish community but I used to watch it a lot ages ago and haven't had a livejournal up until recently soooo.. ya.
tl;dr: I'm Flexipop and I'm looking for friends in Windia. :)