Some time

Jan 06, 2006 22:57

I know it has been sometime since the last time i posted anything. Alot has been going on. Kat moved in things are good. I love what she does to our place. Allways so cheery ( Read more... )

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Pretty Sad... dark_wonderland January 25 2006, 22:01:47 UTC
I feel really sorry for whom ever posted that. You must not know Brian, and you are missing out.

Children grow and turn into teenagers that are awkward. Most go through an internal struggle of peer pressure, self esteem, hormones and rejection that cause them to rebel, experiment, and unfortunately... break hearts. Who you are and what you do, mistakes made, helps you to grow and develop into an adult. Adults do not name call with hatred. They understand and accept their past, and the past of others, as stepping stones to a new, brighter, smarter, kinder and loving person. They may acknowledge unhealthy relationships and may choose not to encourage them for positive, forward growth.

Brian is an adult. I am an adult. We have both had colourful pasts that have helped us to grow and understand what the important parts in life are. Good friends, true "family", and love. (I say true "family" because someone in your "family" does not necessarily mean that they share the same blood line, it's someone whom you love dearly and care so much about that you accept them as "family")

In Canada we try to help eachother out. We lend a hand when a loved one is in need, we lend a shoulder when one is sad, and we are ready to accept apologizes when others become adults, with out throwing it back in their faces. (That would be a hateful thing to do, and the last time I checked the Catholic "God" still doesn't approve of belittling people, but I dunno, I'm not Catholic)

If you wish to continue posting mean, hurtful, juvenile comments in Brian personal journal for real friends and true family to read kindly ensure that you are not infringing on his right as a human being to love, be loved and grow from his past.

I love you Brian Wilson!!! You are so special. You have a wonderful, kind, beautiful spirit and I know that you will be successful here in the industry. I am so proud to be able to watch you continue to grow and make your mark on the world. Together... forever.


Re: Pretty Sad... dark_wonderland January 25 2006, 23:04:59 UTC
Hello all, especially Brain and his new love,

First of all let me say that I wish Brain and his new love all the best. From the above post that wasn't so let's say (nice) you sound to me, not as an adult or at least not my age, but more like a disgruntled ex-girlfriend. Could I be right? That post came from someone whom Brain has hurt deeply in their past and they just haevn't let it go. I would encourage this person to forgive. The reason I say this is because if you do not you do two things. One is you leave a person will some unresolved issue that keeps them from having a clean slate so to speak. The next thing you do is more harmful. You allow a root of bitterness to abide within yourself and if left, it will grow and grow until it consumes you.
Take it from someone who has much experience with abuse. The minute I forgave the abuser, a weight was lifted off my shoulders heavier than I could have carried any longer.
Also we are taught to forget. For us this is pretty much humanly impossible, but in the Book of Genesis there was a man named Joseph whose brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him. They convinced their father Joseph was dead and Joseph had a pretty tough time of it for many years. falsely accused of trying to rape an Eygptian leaders wife, imprisoned again e.t.c. After a while though Joseph became the most prominent man in Egypt and when this occured he reconciled with his brothers. He named his first child Mannesah which means in Hebrew, God has made me to forget all my problems. Forgetting means that we don't ever bring the wrongs done to us up again. If we do, we truly haven't forgiven. " If you forgive, God says you will be forgiven, if you do not, neither will you be forgiven.


Re: Pretty Sad... dark_wonderland January 25 2006, 23:25:24 UTC
There is not one among us who does not need the forgivness of God, for all have sinned and fallen short of the mark. Now, let me address what I came here for in the first place. Brain, your dad and stepmom are seperated. I am writing this so that all who read here will know what God's heart is, especially when it comes to marriage.
God's heart is always going to be reconciliation. "For God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself." If Christ died so we could be reconciled to the Father, then does it not make sense that He desires the same for us? The problem usually is that we allow ourselves to get in the way. One thing is for certain in relationships Brian and i pray your new one gets off on the right foot. We can never look to our partner for our lifes fulfillment. If we do not love our partners unconditionally, then we have made a big mistake in getting married. What man or woman can make their partner happy 100% of the time. None that I know of. Thats the problem most couples have is they expect their partners to fulfill them in one or more ares of their lives and when this doesn't happen, then they are upset with their spouse. This kind of conditional love isn't fair to either person. That is why the Bible says that" when my father and mother forsake me, then you (God) will take me up." Who are the closest people to us usually on the planet? Our parents right and what the Psalmist is saying is if the closest people to you on this planet let you down, then who can ever fulfill all of your needs, wants and desires? The answer is no-one, no one but God that is. "he will never leave you nor forsake you" A relationship should be threefold. Two people who love one another both working together to experience a closer relationship with God on a daily basis. You will never attain to that goal on this earth, but there is more than fulfillment when you are both on the same page. My wife as much as I love her could never meet all my needs and desires and vice versa. The beautiful thing is that we both know that so we stopped looking for that in each other a long time ago. Brain, there are going to be times when you won't be there for your girl and the same goes for her, but if you are both secure in who you are in Christ, then where is the problem. It's when we expect more from people than they can possibly give.
Your father Big Brain is a great man and your stepmom is a great woman. God's heart is for them to reconcile. To learn to forgive one another as He forgave us and gave of Himself as a propitiation for our shortcomings. If you would counsel the both of them, you will hear two completly different stories. Does that make someone absolutley wrong and the other perfectly right in everything they say? No way, there are always two sides to every story.


Re: Pretty Sad... dark_wonderland January 25 2006, 23:40:12 UTC
The issue is that there are others involved. Cody for one, and then there is family. People are ask to draw a line in the sand, or chose sides. Suppose we love both of them the same? We have known them as partners for over 20yrs. Teri has worked her butt off to be a wife, mother, friend, housekeeper and all the other things that come with motherhood. Brain on the other hand has worked his knuckles down to the bone to be a husband, father, and friend. Now some things have transpired as of late. Do we disreguard everything because of these things that have happened as of late? That's not God's heart. He wants and desires reconciliation. He died for it. Jesus ask us to love one another as "He loved us" When is the last time we layed down our life for the person we love? And if you can say, "just the other day" then God says "Great, now do it again, and again and again until you understand that your happiness does not come from how this other person acts, but from you as the object. See God is the Object and He loves us objectivly, meaning no matter what we do, He still loves us the same, yesterday, today and forever. We can't be seperated from His love. Now if God were to love subjectivly then His love for us would rely totally on how we acted this day. Now thank God He isn't that way or who could stand? My love for Lisa doesn't depend on her, but instead it depends on me. She is the subject. I don't love her sibjectivly, but objectivly.
If any couple were put into a prison cell for lets say they both just have gotten two ten year sentences, do you think they could find a way to live together? Your dam right they would because they would spend most of their day in a 6x9 cell. In jail they don't give you a choice of bunkmates so you have to learn to live with one another. If you were a couple locked up under those conditions, no one could tell me that after time they would find a way to love the other person, perhaps fall in love.


Re: Pretty Sad... dark_wonderland January 26 2006, 00:03:04 UTC
but since we live in a society that says, " hey if it's not working move on" then thats' the choice we make. It easier that way. We don't have to work at our relationship. It doesn't matter how it effects others as long as we get OUR way. Did I say God's way or our way? We need to stop looking to each other in our marriages as if our partner is some sort of miracle person that is supposed to fix all my woe's and fulfill all my wants, needs and desires. Gos says that HE wants to give you the desires of your heart. Can you imagine that, all that pressure off each other, both looking to the Lord to be our all in all. What a concept huh! I would encourage anyone who is either married or thinking about it to get an oldy but a goody named, "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" You will learn just exactly how differently God made us. I hope all that read here will keep Teri and Brain in their prayers. They can not fix their marriage, but God can. When we take a break from one another or split up, whatever you want to call it, we have a tendency to look at all the negative we can about the other person, because if we sit down and think about all the right things, all the beautiful times spent together, all the times that were really rough and we thought we'd never make it but somehow we made it through and all the love that must have taken, we might just reconsider. You know, God saved us by His grace. Do we even begin to fathom what that means. Eph 2:8 " For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest anyman would like to boast." Do you know what this is saying in the spirit? That God loved us with His unmerited favor. That is what grace is. God giving us what we don't deserve, and Mercy is that God doesn't give us what we do deserve. What do we deserve? Well, the Bible states that "the wages of sin is death" but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus." So, we deserve death, but God became a man and died for us so that we could be reconciled to His Father. Now we are children of God! Cool huh? Why can't we ALL learn to start acting just a smiggin like the One who gave Himself for us. How? By giving those in our lives GRACE. Let's start giving our fellow man and woman what they don't deserve and let's not give them what we believe they do deserve.


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