OOC: app

Aug 24, 2010 22:33

Editied for second app

Name: Mandy
Contact: AIM: PANDABEAR1328
LJ: maplepancakes
Age: 25
Current characters: none

Name: Williams, Matthew (Canada)
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
History Link: http://hetalia.wikia.com/wiki/Canada
Age: technically hundreds of years, but he appears to be 18-19-ish
Canon point: May 2011

Personality: There is an old belief that twins will be the exact opposite of each other. One will be loud and hyper, the other will be quiet and reserved. One will play sports, one will be a wimp. One will be dumb as a rock, the other a genius. You get the idea. Well, if you count the North American ‘brothers’ as twins, then this old belief holds true for them as well.

Canada is, for the most part, the antithesis of America. He is the quiet twin, so quiet in fact that he can go completely unnoticed at times. He’s also very reserved and patient, choosing to sit and wait his turn instead of trying to burst in on the conversation. Don’t get him wrong, he definitely wants his opinion to be heard! It’s just that he prefers to be polite about it instead of yelling all the time. Even if it means taking ages for anyone to listen to him. It's lucky that he has quite a bit of patience, because he usually has to wait a long time before he gets his turn, assuming he gets one at all.

Unfortunately, Canada’s quietness is often his weakness. He’s surrounded by loudmouth nations who jump up at a moment’s notice to shout out their opinions, and he is almost always overshadowed by them. It’s so bad that in world meetings he’s practically invisible, and everyone forgets that he’s there. It’s so bad that one time Russia mistook him for a chair and sat on him for an entire meeting! Normally being polite and thoughtful would be an excellent trait to have, but when you’re surrounded by enthusiastic nations it just means that you go unheard.

Ironically, being unnoticed might be good for Canada in some cases. When he’s not being overlooked, Canada is frequently mistaken for his brother America, which is terrible considering that America has pissed off so many people in the world. There have been many instances of Canada getting beat up because someone didn't notice that he wasn't America until too late. These mixups can be hazardous to his health, and while Canada does try to clear it up, once again his quiet voice presents a problem and he goes mostly unheard. Because of this, Canada usually ends up trying to make peace with the people America pisses off.

Canada is a bit of a scardycat as well. He is easily startled, and when startled he lets out a shriek of terror that’s almost loud enough to be heard by the other nations. Along with that, some of the nations terrify him. Especially Russia. When he has to speak with them, he talks as quickly as possible (while reassuring them that no, he’s NOT America, and no, he does NOT want to fight) and tries not to upset them. It’s not that he’s weak, per say, but he’s definitely not as strong as some of the other nations in the world, and he wants to keep good relations with them if he can. Words are way better than violence as far as Canada is concerned. It’s just really difficult to talk to the others sometimes.

But if you can get beyond all of that, Canada is actually a very pleasant person to be around. He’s very accommodating, and he’s more than happy to share his delicious maple syrup products with anyone who can recognize who he is. He also has a love of cute things, and he can get sidetracked for hours just watching his adorable polar bear Kumajiro play around. And beneath his quietness and his tendency to be startled, Canada is actually quite brave. He can pull through in a tight spot, because even if he’s scared he knows he has to succeed. All in all, Canada is a pretty cool guy who just wants to be friends and be heard by the other nations. Be nice to him, and he’ll be your buddy. Just watch out for his temper: it takes quite a bit to set him off, but if you manage to upset him then he’ll talk your ear off with his passive-aggressive complaints.

More recently, Canada has begun to shift politically towards a more conservative-dominated country, which has had some affects on him. There are constant arguments in parliament, which leave Canada with splitting headaches more often than not. He thought the recent election would make those headaches stop, but if anything they've gotten worse, and he's become more snappish than before. Canada is a very private person, though, and doesn't want the other nations to know about the troubles he's having within his borders. He tries his best to act like everything is alright, that he is his normal self, but he does lose his patience more than he used to, and sometimes he's just too tired to put up with nation BS. Whereas he used to hate it, Canada has taken a liking to his ability to fade into the background and be ignored, because it gives him more time to worry about his own problems.

Powers/Abilities: Canada has the usual things a nation has: fast healing, sturdiness, a knowledge of who their people are, and so forth. Beyond that, Canada has this habit of literally disappearing in the middle of a conversation, mostly when people forget he's there and just talk around him. He also has the power to make absolutely perfect pancakes and win at life when it comes to ice hockey.

Prose sample: For the third time that week, Canada had a massive headache that he wished would go away. He still had hours of work to do, and he was finding it increasingly hard to concentrate on the papers in front of him. Part of him just wanted to bash his head against his desk until the pain went away, but he knew that would make it worse, not less.

The one good thing in all of this was that he had easily slipped away from the world meetings that week. He was supposed to be there, listening to America and England argue over complex politics (which was actually a thinly veiled penis-compensation argument, everyone knew this, but nobody would admit it) while trying to nurse his bent nerves and splitting head. But nobody noticed him anyway, and while he would normally still go to the meetings to wait for his turn to speak, he just didn't have the patience right now. He gladly accepted his invisibility and went home to focus on the problems there, namely the upcoming election and the fights between the liberal and conservative parties.

For a moment Canada stopped his paperwork, and he eyed a small bottle on his desk. Extra-strength Tylenol. One of the interns had given it to him, thinking it would help with the headaches. Canada knew from personal experience that it wouldn't, so it was a waste to even try, though the more he felt his head throb the more he considered at least trying. Maybe he could trick himself into believing they worked. The placebo effect was a powerful thing.

Before he had too much time to consider it, though, there was a knock on his door. Canada immediately sat up and started straightening his papers, making it look like he was busy with work and totally not slacking off or anything. Because he wasn't a slacker. No, that was America's job. "Come in."

One of the secretaries opened the door. She had a vase in her hands, which contained a dozen tulips of varying colors. Canada didn't even have to hear the secretary speak to figure out who it was from. "This was sent by a Mr. William," the secretary said, reading from an envelope tied to one of the flowers, "Would you like this in here?"

"Yes please," Canada said, and he quickly cleared off a spot on his desk for her to put the vase down. When she was that close, Canada could see the smile she had been trying to hide before. It was a mischievous one, and it was one he saw on the secretaries' faces every time 'William' sent him a present. It made Canada feel embarrassed, and he tried to look busy with his papers while the secretary took care of the flowers. There was no need to become a stuttering mess because of this. He was a bad actor anyway, so he desperately needed something to bury his face in.

As soon as the secretary left, Canada set down his papers and looked over the flowers. They were absolutely beautiful, as usual. No doubt Holland had hand-picked them himself. They were all warm colors, too: reds and yellows and oranges filled the vase, and there were even a few swirl-colored tulips that mixed all of the colors together.

Next Canada turned his attention to the envelope, which actually contained a card inside. He opened it, and read through the short message inside.

Hope you're feeling better soon. Don't let the politicians get to you, it'll be over soon.

Canada was beside himself. How had Holland known? Canada hadn't told anyone about his political troubles, and nobody had seemed to care enough to find out for themselves. Hell, he had thought that nobody had even realized he was absent from the world meetings. "It looks like one person noticed," Canada murmured to himself, reading over the card once more before propping it up on his desk, right in front of the vase.

For the rest of the day, Canada worked without complaint, not even thinking about his painful headaches anymore. And that evening, as he left the building, several people couldn't help but notice how the normally quiet and shy Matthew Williams had the biggest grin on his face.


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