staple, staple... looks like a staple.

Jan 01, 2008 20:27

name: Jessie
age: 22
location: NY

significant other (pictures please?): Let's see if I can find any online (my laptop's being odd, so I am using a borrowed one):

Yes, he cross-dresses at certain events. No, I don't have any pictures of him dressed as a guy online because I don't like other girls flirting with him. :P

Interests: I am passionate about animal cruelty, and stopping it, in short. I am vegan, which means I'm very against factory farming and animal exploitation. I am fascinated by true crime, whether it be television shows or biographies/novels on serial killers or killers in general. For some reason, when I am nervous or unsettled (which can be a rather often occurrence), I find that watching or reading about horrible events in a factual, dry way calms me down. I am a singer, trained for 7 years in various styles, and feel I must share my voice with the public at least once every few months. Um, I love my cats, and went so far as to make a page on catster for each one of them. =3 I'm a huge dork.

favourite music (no more than 10): (in no particular order) Bowie, Bjork, Michael Jackson, Prince, Kozi, Amy Winehouse, video game music (such as Mario, Sonic, Zelda), Marilyn Manson, Queen, me.

favourite movies (no more than 10): (also in no particular order) The Last Unicorn (actually, this is my absolute favorite movie of all, but the rest are in no particular order), V for Vendetta, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Phantom of the Opera, Labyrinth, Red Dragon, Jane Eyre, The Corpse Bride.

foods: Pasta (just with marinara sauce of some sort is fine), chocolate, eggplant parmesan and sushi, to name a few.

drinks: Water, arizona green tea. I like juices a lot.

hobbies: I write fanfiction, I write songs, I act or sing in local productions at least twice a year, drawing, playing with the cats, going out and doing silly/fun things with my sisters and/or cousin.

quote: ooh, tough one. I rarely quote others. Let's see...

political candidate for 2008 and why: this is a very tough question. I have to look into it (as in, go to each one's website and study their issues), which I have not done yet. I will have to vote democrat even though I am an independent, because we must get the republicans out of office. Most likely either Obama or Clinton, depending on their stances regarding global warming, the environment, animal cruelty, and what they plan to spend their money on the most.

pick a current issue you're passionate about and tell us why you support or don't support it: Ah, so many. Most of the issues I feel strongly about involve animal cruelty or global warming. Well, I was recently reading/discussing the Japanese's insistence on hunting and eating whales and dolphins, while claiming that they are killing them for scientific purposes. I feel that they should at least be truthful, that, again, they are killing them for food and not for science, because it's much easier to research a creature while alive, rather than dead. That they are allowed to continue to perpetrate these crimes against nature without being investigated (as far as I've read) is reprehensible.

tell us about yourself:

use a "ten-dollar" word in a sentence: If you give me ten-dollar, I might tell you. If not, I will have to throw a chair at you, scream, and run away.

tell or show us something funny:


Told ya I love cats and am a dork... :P

worst livejournal community you ever applied to was: Only ever applied to bleedingbeauty_ besides here. All's well so far. :P

your celebrity fuck: So many. But:

Yup, right to the top of the pile for me.

promote us in your user info, a community you belong to and/or a promo community and to one user. YOU MUST PROVIDE ACTIVE AND PUBLIC LINKS:

pick a mod and compliment her: Mel, you are so pretty and funny and I wuv you. O_O;;;;;

(*optional)make us a promotional banner: I have no photoshop on this comp.

why will you be a good member, here? do you think you'll make it to the gold?: I like to share my opinions with everyone (whether they want to hear it or not), and am always willing to discuss any issue with honesty. I'm also nice and kinda funny. :B Doubt I'd make gold, though. Too lazy, too lazy.

provide us with no less than five pictures (no links) plus one salute. photos may be MILDLY photoshopped and there must be a clear facial picture (if anyone puts a picture of a chick with cum on her face here I will laugh my ass off and then ban you).

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