Ahh this ep makes me so giddy, so much fanservice in shape of Gundam character cameos.
There's this Gundam festival happening. Why can't this be irl!! I mean, there's Gunpla building and fighting, and all sort of Gundam-themed food.
Like these Haro cookies!
And now I play "spot the character" (I probably missed some, but here are the ones that I recognized)
An Orange Haro-shaped tent!!
Quess and Hathaway, and Christina and Lichty! Couples having fun and being happy.
Mineva and Haman, d'awwww
Char (in his Quattro getup) and Lalah. Char overheard Takeshi lamenting about Rinko, and called him "boya", lol
Haro-shaped amusement rides! Also, the orphan kids on the White Base, Katz, Letz and Kikka
Henken, Captain of the Radish; Those kids are probably from something too, but I don't recognize them...
Little Domon!! Building Gunpla with his family, awwwww
Rain! For some reason she was hosting the Gunpla free battles
Bernie and Christina watching Al as he wins his battle. Makes me happy and sad to see what could have been!! T___T
Most of these characters died tragically, so maybe this is Gundam heaven? =D
The battle field for Sei and Reiji's fight. Is it Heliopolis?
Meijin Kawaguchi wearing Setsuna's scarf as he prepares to battle. Fitting, since he'll be using Dark Exia
And then there's a couple scenes that are just... lolwut
Um..... Gundam/Gunpla porn? Graham Aker would be proud lol
Haha Mao's master is such a DOM (dirty old man). Luckily, the ever vigilant Mr. Ral comes to the rescue
And the "d'awwwwwwww" moment for me is Takeshi and Rinko's reunion
Sei's parents are so adorable!! *flails*
Aila is also adorable now that she's not angsting. China is quite cute too.
Next ep seems to be the final battle. Who will win, Meijin Kawaguchi or Sei and Reiji??