Name: Sai / Iggy---(uh, confusing yes, but I'm used to being called as such)
Age: 16
nekojirou_sanTime zone: GMT -5 (Eastern)
MSN: death_by_moe @
Email: same as above
Anything else: Hakuna Matata >3
Name: Matthew Williams
Country: Canada
Gender: Male
Age/Year: 19 / Second Year
Description: Matty has fluffy blond hair and weird curly strand that he can never seem to tame. He's quite tall too, actually, he's Alfred's height. He's got the same face as his way-too-loud-brother and, as such, is always mistaken to be him despite his violet eyes and pitiful expression. He also wears glasses. His vision is pretty bad, and so without them he's as blind as one can get.
Personality: Often forgotten. Matthew doesn't have much presence. Well actually, maybe he just doesn't have any presence at all. He's quiet. His voice is barely audible. Even when he's 'shouting'. As such, he doesn't speak much and when he does, he often stutters. Matty is very considerate and kind, as well as quite polite. Though he seems weak, Matthew is pretty strong and can prove so if the circumstances are right. He looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly, but mention Hockey and you might be surprised. Nonetheless, Matty is generally pacific. He's used to being ignored and forgotten. As such, he gives up pretty easily and sort of lacks a backbone.
History: Because of his lack of presence, he was often ignored and forgotten as a child. The fact that his brother was the complete opposite of himself may or not have played a factor in this, but anyway. Quiet, Matthew never asked for much and was a good kid who obeyed the rules; unable really to go against them. Nonetheless, he often got the bad end of the stick whenever Alfred did something wrong. Even then, he still loves his bro. For a while, when he was still pretty young, Francis taught him some French. Afterward, Matthew continued to learn the language on his own alongside English.
As he grew, the fact that no one ever remembered him didn't change. At some point, he met Arthur through Alfred (who talks about him more than he's probably aware). Matthew likes to think that he gets along pretty well with Francis and Arthur---it's just really too bad they forget his name half the time or think he's Alfred the other half. But hey, he's used to it. No problem. Not really ....
Matty is a really good student. He doesn't stand out in class, but he's quite smart and he does all his homework diligently. There isn't anything he's good at in particularly because he forces himself to get good enough grades in every class. However, he often comes close to failing in P.E because everyone forgets him when they do team sports. If he had to say though, his favorite subjects would be History, Math and French.
Anything else: When drunk, Matty isn't his usual self. He'll break into French mode and spiral out of control. Interpret that as you will. Also, despite looking terribly innocent and naive, Matthew knows a lot. Really. Being invisible, he ends up walking into awkward situations without even being noticed. As such, Matthew has heard and seen a certain number of things. Not that he'd tell anyone. He's nice that way.
Also, Matthew is always seen (...well when you notice him at least) with his dear polar bear plushie whose name he can never seem to remember. Yes, he even brings it into class with him. The only reason he hasn't been reprimanded is because no one sees him anyway.
First-person sample:
When I woke up, I was surprised to see my alarm didn't ring yet. Well, I did managed to sleep pretty early last night. I knew it was a good idea to do homework at the library. After all, there is nothing there that can distract me from the task at hand. If I went back to the dorm room, there was a strong chance Al would barge in eventually to ask me to help with his work (wherein the appeal of the library, Al wouldn't dare start barge in there... right? Um, never mind)---to which I probably won't refuse. I should next time though. Really. Yeah, I'll do that next time ... maybe. I-I'll try at least. That wouldn't hurt, eh? ... Alright never mind. I'll deal with that when the time comes.
Since I couldn't go back to sleep anymore, I decided to get up and walk around a little to waste time until class starts. That was about and hour. Taking my books and Kumatarou in hand, I walked into the halls--which were pretty empty. Of course. Who goes to class an hour early anyway? .... Oh. W-well, I guess I do, but that's not that point. I think.
It looked nice outside, so I found a bench and sat down. A couple of meters ahead, a squirrel ran down onto the ground from the comforts of the tree. It sat there nibbling a nut ... and I couldn't help but stared at it. I put down my school stuff and approached the creature cautiously. It didn't run. I wondered if I was invisible to animals too or something. That would be sad ... really sad.
The squirrel just sat there and I continued to watch it. It was so .... so .... so ... cute! Stare. Stare. Stare.
Before I knew it, I began hearing many voices around me. I ignored them and continued to stare. Eventually, the voices dispersed and it was quiet again. I looked up. Nobody. I turned my watch.
Third-person sample:
Matthew had his hand up for the past--- he turned towards the clock and sighed--- half hour or so. Every time the teacher asked the question, he raised his hand in attempt to try an answer. More often than not, he did have the answer. And yet, the teacher continuously ignored his raised hand and demanded answers from students who looked half-dead or students who were surfing the internet aimlessly. Next question came up and Matthew raised his hand again. The teacher looked at him. Possibly right through him. Literally. Then, the teacher turned to his snoring classmate beside him and asked THAT STUDENT the question. Matthew felt like someone had dropped a stone ontop of his head. Sure, sure. He was used to being ignored. This was definitely nothing new. Actually, it was daily occurrence. Sometimes, Matthew wondered why he even bothered raising his hand. No one could see him! Why bother? He tried anyway though. He's hoping one day someone will notice him. If that happens, he might just cry of joy. Definitely.
Finally giving up, Matthew sighed and withdrew his hand. He wrapped his now free arm around ... Kumatarou? was it? Um, anyway. He wrapped his arm around the bear and nuzzled his chin on its head. He wished he was mad at the teacher for not noticing him ... but instead he was depressing about his lack of presence. Again.
The teacher asked another question and for a couple of seconds Matthew wondered if he should raise his hand. If he did, what's been happening for the past thirty minutes would just repeat itself. Okay. So what can he do to not be ignored?
Matthew imagined for a second. He saw himself stand up briskly, slamming his palm on the desk while raising his available hand, and shouting 'Sir, I KNOW THE ANSWER!'. If he said it loud, no one could ignore him, right? Come on ... he was related to Al, he should at least be able to pull off this much, right? Right? ...
He took a deep breath and prepared to get up. Matthew stood up swiftly and opened his mouth.
And right then, the teacher clapped his hands and announced class was over.
Matthew blinked and gawked. "Ben cawlisse de tabarnac ..."