Nov 04, 2009 21:53
I've been back from Canada for just over a week now, and am still alive and well - just in a bit of a funk due to being back at work, which is why I haven't been around much - not that that's unusual these days, of course!
The cats ignored me for a few hours when I got back, but it was a cold evening so they deigned to sleep on the bed; clearly the promise of a warm person to sleep on outweighed their disgust at being left.
I can't believe it's November already; is anyone doing NaNo this year? I feel completely unprepared - and it's a busy month - but although I don't anticipate completing 50k, it's always good to have a bit of a push to write more, and it's something I should do more of.
Tomorrow I'm off on a two-day survey. It will be cold and involve early mornings - neither of which I'm too keen about - but it should be fun, and nice to get out of the office for a bit. I haven't done a picspam in ages, so I'll try and get some action shots of work on the boat. Because nothing says "glamourous job" quite like dayglo-orange oilskins and a hard hat :D