(list) Fan fiction Index

Jan 01, 2015 12:00

Master List
Updated: November 6, 2011


G - 67:( I just wanted a cookie [Chinen/Nakajima, g, fluff/humour, for madhardcandy ]
(Nakajima laughs when Chinen tells him the thing he wants most.)

After All This [7, g, general/drama, for crazyfaucet]
(prompt: http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af280/princesskgk/Summer/peanutbutterandjelly.jpg)

Against the Flow [Yabu/Takaki, g, fluff/gen/slice of life]
(Yabu gets a day off.)

Beside Me [Arioka/Morimoto, g, fluff]
(Arioka approaches a lonely Morimoto.)

Circumstances [Nakajima/Yabu, g, fluff]
(Yabu uses Nakajima's injury as the perfect time to be closer.)

Cross the Distance [Yaotome/Morimoto, g, drama, for wooden_buttons ]
(Yaotome doesn't know how to cross distances.)

Date [Arioka/Okamoto, g, humour/romance]
(Arioka goes on an impromptu date.)

Easy [Nakajima/Okamoto, g, fluff]
(Nakajima and Okajima have the easiest relationship.)

Fireworks [Okamoto/Arioka, g, gen]
(Okamoto likes the way Arioka lights up.)

First Time Falling [Nakajima/Yamada, g, fluff]
(It's Nakajima's first time falling in love and he wants to make it perfect.)

five: Hearing [Arioka/Yabu, g, fluff]
(Arioka loves to listen to Yabu's voice.)

five: Seeing [Arioka/Inoo, g, fluff]
(Arioka watches the sun rise.)

five: Smelling [Arioka/Yamada, g, fluff/crack]
(Love at first… smell?)

five: Touching [Arioka/Yaotome, g, crack]
(Arioka gives Yaotome a hug.)

Flirting [Takaki/Yamada, g, fluff]
(Takaki teases Yamada.)

Follow the Leader [Morimoto/Nakajima, g, gen]
(Morimoto will always follow Nakajima's lead.)

Give Chase [Yaotome/Nakajima, g, fluff, for wooden_buttons ]
(Yaotome and Nakajima play chase.)

Height Problem [Morimoto/Arioka, g, fluff]
(Arioka has a complex over Morimoto growing taller than him.)

Hero Complex [Okamoto/Morimoto, g, gen/friendship]
(Okamoto has some sort of hero complex.)

Hit the Right Notes [Chinen/Inoo, g, fluff/romance]
(Chinen asks Inoo to teach him to play the piano.)

I Miss the Old Days [Nakajima/Yaotome, g, angst]
(Nakajima misses the days when he was special to Yaotome.)

I'd rather…[Yaotome/Okamoto, g, fluff, for liquid_drop ]
(Yaotome and Okamamoto spend quality time together.)

I'm NOT a Girl [Yaotome/Arioka, g, failed!humour/fluff, for wooden_buttons ]
(Sometimes, Arioka acts like a girl.)

Importance [Morimoto/Yaotome, g, angst, for my sister, biancaeris ]
(They figure, it couldn't have been that important anyway.)

In a Daze [Okamoto/Inoo, g, fluff/crack/failed!humour]
(Okamoto is mesmerized by Inoo's hands.)

In Sync [Yaotome/Yabu, g, fluff]
(Yaotome ensures that he stays in sync with Yabu)

Just Say Yes [Yamada/Nakajima, g, fluff/dlight!humour, for glitter_cloud ]
(Yamada forces Nakajima to say yes to everything he says.)

Kouhai [Chinen/Takaki, g, gen/fluff]
(Everyone knows who Chinen's favorite senior is, but who is his favorite junior?)

My Days with You [Takaki/Arioka, g, fluff/comedy, for liquid_drop ]
(Takaki is drawn in by Arioka's vitality.)

Narcissus Complex [Inoo, g, gen]
(Inoo knows he's pretty.)

On the Line [Okamoto/Yaotome, g, fluff]
(Okamoto has a gift for Yaotome.)

One for All [Yabu/Okamoto, g, drama, for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(sequel to Except One, Yabu loves JUMP more.)

Peace [Okamoto/Chinen, g, fluff/gen, for my sister]
(Okamoto and Chinen go out for a walk.)

Phone Lines [Takaki/Chinen, g, fluff]
(Chinen calls Takaki.)

Pieces of a Perfect Puzzle [Okamoto/Nakajima, g, gen/romance]
(Okamoto and Nakajima are the pieces of a perfect puzzle.)

Play with Me [Yaotome/Yamada, g, failed!humour/fluff, for wooden_buttons ]
(Yamada wants Yaotome to teach him to be funny.)

Pressed for Time [Yamada/Chinen, g, fluff/failed!action]
(Yamada runs.)

Push to the Top [Yaotome, g, gen, for wooden_buttons ]
(Yaotome is the best for a reason.)

Relaxation [Yabu/Chinen, g, fluff]
(This is how Yabu unwinds.)

Rush [Chinen/Yamada, g, for warui_otome ]
(Chinen has a nightmare.)

Show and Tell [Yamada/Nakajima, g, au!kindergarten/fluff/drama, for yatsuiko_chan ]
(Kindergarten show and tell becomes violent.)

Shutter Release Button [Inoo/Nakajima, g, fluff, for in_oh_cay ]
(Nakajima takes photos for fun.)

Smile # 48 [Chinen, g, gen]
(Everyone has multiple smiles on their faces, Chinen chooses the 48th one.)

some things, you accept [Yabu/Nakajima, g, gen]
(Yabu imparts knowledge on Nakajima.)

Spoiled! [Yabu/Yaotome, g, fluff/humour, for my sister]
(The only person who can spoil Yabu is Yaotome.)

Stealthy like a Ninja [Chinen/Yaotome, g, gen/fluff]
(Chinen is stealthy. Like a ninja.)

Tap to Wake [Takaki/Nakajima, g, fluff, for warui_otome ]
(Takaki wakes Nakajima up.)

That Can't Be True [Morimoto/Inoo, g, failed!humour, failed!crack, romance. for akira_amie_yuki ]
(Inoo has a very vivid dream.)

The Crazy Life [Yabu/Inoo, g, gen, for mailnosecret ]
(Yabu asks Inoo to move in.)

the monsters are out to get you [Yamada/Morimoto, g, fluff/humour, for hotfruits ]
(Morimoto's unable to sleep without his security blanket.)

The Truth about Friendships [Yamada/Okamoto/Nakajima, g, general, for hotfruits , littlemelonblue ]
(The easiest friendships have rocky beginnings.)

Trade Secrets [Arioka/Yaotome, g, fluff, for keeconk ]
(The best relationships have trade secrets.)

Trust Me [Yaotome/Takaki, g, failed!humour, fluff, for wooden_buttons ]
(Takaki doesn't want to trust Yaotome.)

Trusting a Liar [Inoo/Arioka, g, fluff]
(Arioka finds it hard to trust Inoo.)

Two Hands [Inoo/Okamoto,g , fluff]
(Inoo knows that their hands can rule the world.)

Untitled # 1 [Morimoto/Yabu, g, gen/fluff]
(Morimoto doesn’t like being touched.)

Untitled # 2 [Takaki/Okamoto, g, fluff]
(Takaki reads something about Okamoto in a magazine.)

Untitled # 3 [Yabu/Arioka, g, fluff]
(A timely message calms Arioka down.)

Untitled # 4 [Arioka/Chinen, g, gen]
(Chinen gives a love letter to Arioka only to find out he already likes someone else.)

Untitled # 6 [Morimoto/Okamoto, g, gen]
(Morimoto notices Okamoto's new haircut.)

Untitled # 7 [Arioka/Nakajima, g, gen/fluff]
(Arioka gets mad at Nakajima.)

Untitled # 9 [Nakajima/Morimoto, g, romance/fluff/comedy]
(Nakajima wants to know why Morimoto doesn't like him.)

Untitled # 10 [Yaotome/Okamoto, g, fluff, for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(Yaotome expects perfection from Okamoto.)

Untitled # 14 [Chinen/Yamada Yamada/Nakajima Nakajima/Okamoto, g, drama, for hsjficchallenge ]
(you will not find someone better, if you won't let go of the idea that you already let go of the best)

Waiting for You [Yaotome/Inoo, g, fluff, for in_oh_cay ]
(Yaotome waits for Inoo.)

Waiting in Silence [Inoo/Morimoto, g, fluff/failed!humour, for anilee0510 ]
(It's hard to wait for someone who doesn't know you're waiting for them.)

You're Sweet [Inoo/Yaotome, g, fluff, for in_oh_cay ]
(Yaotome's nervous thinking about the gift he's giving Inoo.)

PG - 37
All the World's My Stage [Yamada, pg, drama] 
(Yamada knows he's above it all.)

At an Arm's Length [Yaotome/Chinen, pg, gen/drama/romance]
(Yaotome tries to keep the innocent, innocent.)

Butterfly Kisses [Nakajima/OC, pg, angst//drama/romance, for citatsce ]
(Nakajima falls in love three times.)

Changing Tides [Yaotome/Inoo Inoo/Keito, pg, fail!angst, for littlemelonblue ]
(Yaotome wonders when he began chasing Inoo.)

Days are Cold without You [Takaki/Inoo, pg, au/romance/angst, for hotfruits ]
(Inoo takes care of Takaki.)

Do You? [Yamada/Okamoto, pg, drama]
(Nakajima is only looking out for his two best friends.)

Evasive Action [Nakajima/Arioka, pg, angst/drama, for suteii ]
(Arioka doesn't know how to respond, so he doesn’t.)

Except One [Okamoto/Yabu, pg, angst/friendship, for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(Okamoto does everything to be near him.)

five: Tasting [Arioka/Takaki, pg, angst]
(It leaves a bad aftertaste in the mouth.)

hearts break [Yaotome/Inoo, pg, angst] 
(time is the greatest healer.)

in the dark [Yamada/Inoo, pg, drama, for in_oh_cay ]
(Yamada and Inoo are perfect in the light.)

it dawned upon me one day [Morimoto/Chinen, pg, romance, for anilee0510 ]
(Morimoto finally understands the lyrics to Mayonaka no Shadow Boy.)

Just Can't Stand it Anymore [Inoo/Takaki, pg, angst]
(Inoo says goodbye to his unfulfilled dreams.)

Let Me Be The One [Yamada/Nakajima, pg, fluff, for wooden_buttons ]
(Yamada wants to be the one to take care of Nakajima.)

Let's Break Up [Yabu/Inoo, pg, angst, for madhardcandy ]
(Inoo decides that Yabu doesn't love him enough.)

Move On [Inoo/Yamada, pg, angst, for in_oh_cay ]
(Inoo is lost.)

Payback [Yamada/Yabu, pg, romance/comedy]
(sequel to For Show, Yamada pays back Yabu's interference.)

Play with Fire [Okamoto/Yamada, pg, drama/romance]
(Yamada learns that playing with fire hurts.)

Quiet Words [Yabu/Morimoto, pg, angst/friendship]
(Yabu comforts a broken Morimoto.)

Resistance is Futile [Inoo/Chinen, pg, fluff]
(Chinen asks Inoo to treat him.)

Rough Patches [Morimoto/Yamada, pg, angst, for xoxzyn , biancafluff ]
(Yamada doesn't know how to respond to Morimoto's feelings.)

Round the World and Back [Yamada/Nakajima, pg, romance/drama, for wooden_buttons ]
(Yamada and Nakajima fall in love.)

seeing things clearer [Chinen/Arioka, pg, fluff]
(sequel to Untitled # 4, Chinen seeks out who Arioka likes.)

Sibling Rivalry [Morimoto, pg, drama, for my sister]
(Morimoto's worst nightmare is to be compared to his brother.)

Slow to Realize [Takaki/Inoo, pg, drama]
(companion to Just Can't Take it Anymore, Takaki has always been slow on the uptake.)

Soon Enough [Nakajima/Inoo, pg, drama/romance, forin_oh_cay ]
(Inoo avoids things in hopes of things changing soon enough.)

Standing Still [Yabu, pg, gen]
(Yabu reflects on himself.)

Stop It [Chinen/Yabu, pg, drama]
(Chinen can't take how he's always being treated like a baby.)

Take Chances (Make Things Right) [Takaki/Yaotome, pg, gen]
(Yaotome and Takaki fight.)

The Gap [Takaki/Yabu, pg, failed!humour]
(Yabu knows just how big the gap in Takaki's character really is.)

the only mistake [Takaki, pg, angst/gen]
(Takaki makes one mistake.)

The Strains You Play [Inoo/Guitar Inoo/Okamoto Inoo/Yaotome, pg, gen, for hotfruits ]
(Inoo wants to learn how to play the guitar.)

Uncool [Yamada/Takaki, pg, fluff/comedy. for chibilover14 ]
(Yamada tries hard to be cool but ultimately fails when it's of utmost importance.)

Unplanned (This isn't how things are supposed to go) [Morimoto/Takaki, pg, failed!humour, for hotfruits ]
(Most people think he's an idiot but Morimoto's not really most people.)

What's True [Inoo/Yabu, pg, drama]
(Yabu tries to understand the line between truth and lies.)

What's Your Color? [Yamada Chinen Nakajima Okamoto, pg, fail!humor/general, crazyfaucet]
(based on prompt: http://i971.photobucket.com/albums/ae197/texas_sistahs123/283545_250529268310333_100000597852022_920767_1260658_n.jpg)

Xanadu (Comfort Zone) [Chinen/Okamoto, pg, fluff/humour, hotfruits ]
(Chinen is cold to the person he likes.)

PG13 - 3
Chivalry [Yamada/Nakajima Okamoto/Nakajima, pg13, angst/au, for sashyacute , hotfruits , obsessed_makpa ]
(Yamada lets Nakajima go.)

For Show [Yabu/Yamada, pg13, romance]
(Yabu does not approve of Yamada's stage play.)

vexation [Chinen/Morimoto, pg13, romance, for anilee0510 ]
(Chinen starts the game, Morimoto calls him on it.)

PG15 - 2
Some Friends [Okamoto, pg15, gen, for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(Okamoto left a life to live in Japan - some friends just don't get it.)

Untitled # 5 [Takaki/Morimoto, pg15, au!psycho/fluff]
(Takaki loves Morimoto.)

R - 1
Untitled # 8 [Yamada/Yaotome, r, action/romance/drama]
(Yamada doesn't let Yaotome leave.)

without a trace arc
(one day, he disappears and everyone else has to gather the pieces)

(01) without a trace [Arioka-centric, pg, angst]
(02) All That's Left  [Takaki/Arioka, pg, angst, for akira_amie_yuki ]
(03) Hold On (Too Tightly) [Okamoto/Takaki, pg, angst/romance for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(04) Baby Steps [Nakajima/Chinen, pg, angst, for xoxzyn ]
(05) Let(You)Go [Yamada/Arioka, pg, angst/friendship]

Untitled # 15 (Two Dates) [Koyama/OC, Koyama/Kato, g, gen, for biancaeris]
[Koyama goes on a date and ends up in an unintentional one.]

Johnny's Ent Crossovers

HSJ/NewS - 1
Untitled # 13 [Yamada, Nishikido, pg, gen, for obsessed_makpa ]
(Yamada knows he's better than Nishikido)

HSJ/T&T - 1
Zonal Disturbance [Nakajima/Takaki Takizawa/Imai, pg13, angst, for warui_otome , wooden_buttons , kaouchan ]
(Nakajima knows that his love for Takaki will never be.)

HSJ/Ya ya yah - 2
Point of Intersection [Yaotome/Yabu, g, gen, for shiyu_hanaoka ]
(Yabu and Yaotome reminisce about the good old days.)

Untitled # 11 [Okamoto/Yamashita, g, gen, for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(Okamoto picks up a book which turns out to be Yamashita's.)


HSJ/Amuse - 1
All's Fair (Let's be Comrades) [Yamada/Sakamoto, g, gen, for ichiban_seiyaku ]
(Yamada makes a new friend)
HSJ/Kenon - 1
Like the First Time [Nakajima/Shida, r, au, romance, for crescentharpe ]
(They fall in love at thirteen and it was going to last forever.)
HSJ/Semi-OC - 1
Untitled # 12 (The Consequences of War) [Nakajima/Handsome Shop Assistant, Nakajima/Yamada, pg 13, drama, for obsessed_makpa]
(Nakajima fights with Yamada and finds himself back at the old shop.)
Johnny's Entertainment/Horipro - 1

It's Her Smile [Ikuta/Yamashita Ikuta/Ishihara, g, gen, for ryoma_nakamada ]
(You fall in love with her smile.)

Slam Dunk - 2
Moving Forward [Mitsui/Miyagi, g, gen, for miyagi_chihane ]
(Miyagi learns to forgive)

Ordinary Days [Mitsui/Miyagi, g, gen]
(sequel to Moving Forward, Mitsui and Miyagi meet at the park)

100 HSJ drabbles

fan fiction, oc much?, !obsessed with lists xd, listed because im crazy

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