Poetry from the heart

Oct 12, 2011 19:03

Different selfs

I have different mes
I have the one of the daughter
the one that is perfect
she has no problems
no qualms
she smiles at you
you depend on her
who depends her
have you ever thought of that
because she really is a different person
I have the one with my friends
she is happy
she is goofy
you also depend on her
she takes it with a smile
and holds you hand
she likes to talk
she likes to laugh with you
have you asked yourself that maybe
she has a life as well
because she really is a different person
I have one within myself
she is sad
she cries
she doesn't show that she does
but she does
she feels very loney
she reaches out to people
but there is only air in return
she likes surrounding herself with people
she likes their life
she likes to observe them in their lives
she worries
she hates
she murders
she hits
she cusses
she is ugly
she is beautiful
she is a devil
she is an angel
she is everything at once
she is anything she wants to be
but all these selfs
ask each other
which one is the real one
I have long lost myself in the years
I am lost
all these selfs filling my mind
whispering all there thoughts at once
telling me what I should be
who should I be
who am I


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