Not dead...yet.

May 02, 2008 14:47

This school thing sucks. I can't wait to graduate. It's finals week and I'll be glad to see it end. I've been so busy these last few weeks that I'm about ready to collapse. I'm just taking a break before starting in on an essay exam I have to finish before Sunday night. I am so sorry I haven't kept up with you guys, my online friends. I probably won't be able to catch up on my flist today, but I'm going to try. This is the first chance I've really had to sit back on LJ in weeks. I have done some stuff though that I will be posting about later, like the anime convention I went to a few weekends ago.

I have read some new mangas. Mostly yaoi, but I've just finished reading the first volume of Battle Royale that I bought so I could read something that didn't feel like a text book. I've gotta say, it's sick.

Did these last night before I fell asleep:

In Death Note, You're Most Likely to Die Like...?

Take this quiz!

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What kind of Death Note fangirl are you?

You are totally Obsessed!
Take this quiz!

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Which Death Note Character Are You?
Your Result: Ryuzaki aka "L"

You are most like L. You're a complete genius, but appear to be a compulsive little b---- with twitching problems and you lose half of your reasoning ability when you sit like a normal human being.
Light Yagami



Misa Amane

Which Death Note Character Are You?
Make a Quiz

I love Death Note. It's freaking awesome. Seriously, if you like suspense, the supernatural, crime dramas, and hints of boy/boy bondage sex - this is totally for you (Even if you could do without the hints of boy/boy bondage sex. That can be ignored.).

ramblings, school can bite my pasty ass, death note, quiz results

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