Title: Sweet Kiss
Couple: DaiMao (Watanabe DaisukexHamao Kyousuke) <
NOTE: I do not own Mao and Daisuke, tho I wish I did. This is just a made-up story for my own sick pleasure.
Mao is having some trouble when he tries to quit his candy addiction cold turkey, but Daisuke is always willing to help out, in his own special way!
It's a very short and nothing too special or unique. It's actually kind of weird to me, I'm kinda embarrassed to share it. But since it's been sitting in My Documents for awhile now, I thought I might as well, at least to my friends, so here it is.
Enjoy! ^^
Hamao Kyousuke shuffled quietly across the room, wincing at squeak his bare feet made against the carpet floor.
Childishly, he 'shhed' himself, making sure that the sleeping occupant in the other room, more specifically, his older lover, did not hear him on his mission.
Once he he entered the kitchen, he unconsciously whispered a 'yatta' and then made his way to the pantry.
He knew exactly what he was looking for.
The stash of fruit gummies that his boyfriend hid in the back of his cabinet. Much like his image portrayed, Daisuke was not the type to eat sweets. However Mao knew his boyfriend secretly had an occasional sweet tooth, and so he would pick up some small candies every now and then.
And for that, Mao was grateful.
You see, Mao was very addicted to sweets. He ate candy in bundles, and carried them in piles everywhere he went. There wasn't a second in the day, when he didn't have some kind of junk food in his hand. His boyfriend would often joke that his stomach must be made of sugar by now. And sometimes Mao thought it probably was.
Though, when he had fallen ill one day due his large amount of sugary intake (and worried the heck of out of Daisuke and his mother) he had promised both of them, that he would stop eating so much sugar and caffeine. Soon, his mother had stopped buying the usual sweets and his boyfriend had forbidden him to bring junk food in his apartment.
At that time, Mao had thought he could handle it. It was just sugar right?
But after a week, he had already hit his limit.
He really, REALLY needed something sugary, something sweet. Something chewy, that would melt in his mouth, and give the energy he so needed after a long week of rehearsals.
And....preferably, he wanted something that tasted like strawberries.
After much searching, the boy finally found the package of gummies he had been searching for.
He smiled widely at his discovery.
Rushing quickly before his boyfriend wakes up, he ripped into the package and was about to popped a handful of strawberry-shaped candy in his mouth, until he heard:
“Mao-chan~,” the usual baritone voice of his lover was raised slightly higher as the older man watch his lover stop in mid-bite, “are you doing what I think you're going?”
Turning to seeing the amused but slightly disappointed face of his lover, Mao suddenly felt guilty and slowly placed the piece of evidence back into the pack.
Daisuke stood only a few feet away with his arms crossed, eyebrow raised. How the man had snuck up on him like that, Mao didn't know.
“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”
Mao's big puppy dog eyes began to water and bowed, almost banging his head on the counter, “Gomennn~! I am weak!”
Seeing the cuteness that he could never resist even on his best day, the older man chuckled, “Yes, I could tell. Geez Mao, it's only been a couple of days.”
“A week actually.”
“Still, you know that eating that many sweets aren't good for you. I'm surprised you still have all your teeth with as much as candy you eat!”
Mao sighed, hearing all that before.
“I know. I'm not a little kid, you don't have to tell me that,” Mao huffed in annoyance at being treated like a child again. Though, after being caught like this, already felt like one. Like a child who caught wit his hand in the cookie jar.
From the look on Daisuke's face, he was thinking the same thing.
“I-I just want have something sweet...something that will give me energy...I don't know, I just need some...otherwise it's just weird,” the boy mumbled cutely, fumbling his hands together as he spoke.
“You want something sweet? That will wake you up and give you energy?” Daisuke older man asked.
Mao nodded softly, hoping his boyfriend would understand. He needed his sugar. It's what gave him the bounce in his step. How can he do without his burst of sugar energy?!
Suddenly Daisuke smiled and walked over to Mao, standing face-to-face. Mao was shocked at the sudden closeness, but did not move from his spot. He stared in the handsome man's eyes and for what seemed like hours, neither could look away.
It was only when Daisuke reach down to grab the forgotten gummies on the counter, popping a handful of the fruity sweets into his mouth, that Mao snapped from his trance.
Mao watched him in surprised, wondering why Daisuke would scold him about eating sweets and then turn around and eat a handful of them in front of him.
Whaaa-! How cruel was that! Was this his punishment?!
With his mouth agape, and inner part of wanting to cry out 'noooo! Wwwhhyyy?!' at seeing his sweets taken from him, he watched his lover eat the gummies, with a disappointed pout evident on his face.
As soon as Daisuke swallowed the fruity sweets, he turned to Mao and gave him a devilish smirk.
“Why di-?”
He suddenly was pulled forward, his lips fiercely clashed with the older man's soft ones. As soon as he opened his mouth to protest, a familiar tongue snuck in, and then Mao's eyes widened.
He was suddenly immobilized by a wave of sweetness. So strong that his eyes almost watered at the taste. As his lover's mouth devoured his own in intense passion, with each kiss he could taste each of the flavors just as strongly as if he had eaten them himself. First was a hint of orange, than grape, and cherry. And then, his favorite, strawberry. They swirled and mixed together just as Daisuke's tongue explored the caverns of his mouth, the man's hands gripping Mao's waist and the back of his head, holding him completely still.
As the sweet flavor grew, so did Mao's desire. He then matched his lover's kisses with his own, attacking the mouth so boldly, that Daisuke stilled in surprise at his usually shy lover's sudden burst of confidence. The younger boy's savored the many flavors that his lover shared, hungrily taking all of the sweetness he could possibly get. His hands moved on their own accord, finding ways to pull the older man even closer, so Mao could dive deeper his lover's inviting mouth.
They both battled feverishly for what seemed like forever. Before Daisuke pulled away, a smirk still etched in his face.
“There. Did that help?”
Seeing the boy's stunned, yet extremely satisfied state, the older man laughed loudly.
“I thought so.”
Mao blushed brightly, making Daisuke laugh even louder.
“Okay. Well, as long as you're ready now, we should get ready to go to rehearsals, ne?” Heading off into the direction of his room, beaming with happiness at stealing a kiss from his adorable boyfriend.
The young boy nodded and followed Daisuke into the bedroom.
Hours later, as they headed out the door, with their items in check, Daisuke felt a slight tug on his elbow. He turned to see Mao smiled shyly at him.
“Another one for the road?”
Daisuke chuckled as he pulled out another pack of fruit gummies.
“It'll be my pleasure.”
Short but "sweet" ne? LOL Well at least I hope it was *sigh*
As far as Mao being addicted to sweets goes, there are many pics to where Mao has some kind of food around him, most of them are sweets and candy. I think Daisuke even mentioned about Mao being obsessed with sweets, but I can't remember where. And of course, there are a couple of pics from Mao's blog recently where he has piles of foods at the Fushigi na rehearsals O.o And he seemed very much against sharing them LOL
So, I hope Mao seemed in character with his candy-addiction. Please tell me if he came off any different otherwise ;))
And also, there are at least 3 DaiMao fics I want to finish and post, at least before I leave in April. One might be multi-chapter fic. But it will depend on everyone if you guys want me to write more on that particular fic. I hope I will be able to finish them and share with everyone soon! Thanks always to all my friends for your support of my random fics :DD
Anyway, it's getting late so I'm going to head to bed! I hope you all enjoyed it! ^^ Oyasumi!
Comments and constructive critism are welcomed and loved! :))