My team looks pretty cool! I know I'm a bit slow on this, but you know, everything in this place is so cool... So I've been exploring. Hehehe ^_^ The people seem pretty nice too, even they speak some weird language that I can't understand. Hm.
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to go to dinner with a lot of people sometime this week! But apparently they all know each other... but that's okay! :D
Oh, and I don't have a roommate yet... is that supposed to happen? *shrug* Oh well, if I get a good roommate, then I guess it's worth the wait! ^_^
Hehe, hey! Bridget's on there! *laughs* Would you really scream so much that you'd lose your voice??
Hmm...I don't think I know anyone on there.... But a space station? I've never been in space before...