(no subject)

Dec 21, 2001 12:47

I'm not sure how coherent this will be...I'll do my best to make it understandable. it's mostly me trying to sort out my thoughts.

Sometimes I just want to be normal, to not have to deal w/ being on the fringe of the bell curve in so many ways. So if abnormal people (for lack of a better term) are aware that they differ from the average and this shapes who they are, do "normal" people realize that they ARE in the middle of the curve and get shaped by this realization? There are people that realize that they're normal in whatever way (anything from body type to ethnicity to intelligence to sexual orientation) and see others that aren't and apologize for being who they are and/or try to emulate those that aren't normal. This is seen when fringe groups/subcultures get fused into popular culture...so...what's the ideal? is there an ideal? flaws make people and things beautiful...how does this idea apply? There are people that fall right down the middle of every curve in existance, but...do they want to? what does their wanting to mean? anyhoo...this isn't making to much sense...if some of it clicked for you, please feel free to comment...

maybe i'll wander the halls some more....other mentorship kids that aren't at mentorship aren't here, i'm just being a good girl. time to oddlob. *hugs* to those that need them.

oh, right, i'm surprisingly energetic for the lack of sleep i've been getting. and it's spiffy to see old episodes of ER, see how carrie+kim's relationship developed. i should call ijeoma, figure out when next week it's worth coming in...i *could* call saeng-hwan (sp?) and help her out w/ analysis but that would be extremely tedious and it's SO not my responsibility. lots of people seem to be getting medical shit done right before winter break...ick. i wish them all well. well, okay, by "lots" i mean two. still.

navel gazing

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