(no subject)

Jan 28, 2006 22:55

Classes are going reasonably well. Math is harder than it should be because I don't remember stuff from Discrete Math two years ago, but the course should actually get easier once I reacquaint myself with the old material (which should be easier now that my book has arrived). That class as well as chem, history, and drama all cover interesting material and have entertaining instructors, making them doubly enjoyable. Judo is fun (it's probably bad that the instructor told me I have a lot of tension, huh?), but it's left me (and much of the class) Quite Sore. This is probably a good thing in terms of my getting in shape, but it combined unpleasantly with my decision to wear heels for Lobby Day.

Lobby Day this Wednesday made me glad to be leaving the state within the next few months. This November there's going to be a referendum on adding an amemndment to Virginia's constitution that would ban not just same-sex marriage and civil unions but anything that tries to approximate marriage. *sigh*

I have still yet to actually turn in any job applications but I'm slowly making progress on them. I'm hoping to recycle an essay for one of them for a Progressive article, 'cause that'd make life easier. Right now I need to make sure that transcripts and recommendations get in on time and also need to write a bunch. But I've been busy sleeping off a cold so haven't done as much of either as I would have liked. It should be okay, though, now that I have a decent idea of a subject for the main essay of the application due Feb. 6.

Hebrew school tomorow is an event at UJC, which means all I have to do is show up and play chaperone. :)

Tomorow, 4 pm, PBK, hear a nobel peace prize winner speak about "Islam, Human Rights, and Democracy".

I really don't seem to be in the mood for complete sentences...ohwell.

G.I. Is Guilty of Abusing Afghan Prisoners
Plan to End Darfur Violence Is Failing, Officials Say
New York Urges U.S. Inquiry in Mining Company's Indonesia Payment
Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him
Money Trail May Mark Path of New Pandemics
Global Partnership Announces 10-Year Plan to Fight Tuberculosis
Genetic Link to Parkinson's Is Discovered
Catalonia Nears Autonomy From Spain: Region's Plan for Self-Rule Seen as Alternative to Full Independence
"Women over most of humans' evolutionary past probably had only about 1/4 the number of menses we do now (page 7)."
FDA: You're eating crushed bug juice
A Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates accidentally fired his pistol in his office.
Narwhal Found to Have a Trick Up Its Tusk
5 States Consider Bans On Protests at Funerals
Study Ties Political Leanings to Hidden Biases
Ethanol's future as automobile fuel is bright
What newspaper history says about newspaper future

everyday stuff, that's so gay! (& other gendering), news/links, politics

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