(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 13:10

* Been doing a fair amount of book work, which isn't interesting but earns some extra cash.
* I hung out with Phil which was fun, saw my grandfather, went to the dentist (no cavities!), and donated blood (and consequently passed out).
* Have been reading some, but not as much as I probably should.
* Have definitely been slacking on my Hebrew-review (another goal for break).
* As for the job search, I need to start writing cover letters but don't know when is best to submit them with resumes. Also should fill out the applications for the various programs, but will worry about that when the bookwork is done (early next week).
* Rachel A. is visiting from this afternoon through Friday afternoon.
* Visiting Delaware Saturday-Monday.

And, of course, a couple of articles:
* Literacy of College Graduates Is on Decline. Ironically enough, the article is rather poorly written (it seems to contradict itself). Makes me wonder how recently the author graduated college.
* South Dakota Makes Abortion Rare Through Laws And Stigma

everyday stuff, news/links

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